How to Use this Book
Welcome to the fourth book in my series of random 1D100 table books.
Random tables are a gamemaster’s best friend. Whenever your players decide to turn left when you thought they would turn right or you just want to play an impromptu RPG session, random tables are a lifesaver.
Find the table in the book that best fits the situation in your game and roll the percentile dice. However, I prefer to have my players roll. It takes the pressure off of me as the GM.
This book is divided into four sections: Names, Encounters, Items & Things, and People & Characters.
In the Names section, you will find names for elves, halflings, dwarves, as well as dwarf clans. It is always a good idea to have a list of names on hand when running a session. You can have one ready at a moment’s notice, so you don’t break the atmosphere by fumbling for a name.
The Encounters section provides much fodder for random encounters. Add flavor to the session while your players are exploring underground locations, jungles, or areas near the sea. The section also includes encounters that may occur in an inn. While your players are fooling around at the inn you can give them some interesting things to do.
In the Items & Things section, you will tons of fun items your players can search for and find. There is a huge list of odd magic items and other objects that could spawn a campaign. The bounty board is a quest machine by itself.
The People & Characters section is the most diverse section. It contains several tables for bonus critical hits or failure effects. There is a table of NPC descriptions, so you can populate your world seamlessly. Plus goals, mutations, and more.
Why spend hours prepping for a session? Use these tables to add details to any fantasy RPG session as you are playing.
Matt Davids 3/11/2019
Elff.. Names
1. Lianthorn 2. Saleh
3. Pywaln 4. Vesstan 5. Darfin
6. Merellien 7. Alre
8. Tassarion 9. Khiiral 10. Lhoris 11. Katar
12. Inchel
13. Saelihn 14. Keryth
15. Aneirin 16. Alion
17. Orym
18. Myrdin 19. Wirenth 20. Tanyth 21. Cyran
22. Wynather 23. Adorellan 24. Halamar 25. Saida
26. Falenas 27. Rhalyf 28. Elyn
29. Alosrin 30. Sinaht 31. Larrel
32. Sharian 33. Iliphar 34. Darunia 35. Aelrindel 36. Thalanil 37. Kilyn
38. Elion 39. Bellas 40. Glynfir 41. Saelethil 42. Keenor 43. Dorvyre 44. Methild 45. Umero 46. Ivasaar 47. Petsys 48. Eldrin 49. Ensatra 50. Ashryn
51. Eilphine 52. Aien
53. Kendel 54. Vulen 55. Ararie 56. Yesanith 57. Elas
58. Alasse 59. Farryn 60. Reylynn 61. Shalanar 62. Perlen 63. Ryllae 64. Valfir 65. Namys 66. Paeral 67. Ermys 68. Vamir 69. Ciliren 70. Ruven 71. Brytris 72. Irhaal 73. Ralora 74. Ayre
75. Valmenor 76. Fylson
77. Heidithas 78. Tyrael
79. Fenwenys 80. Sylvar
81. Elandorr 82. Ralorel 83. Miraphine 84. Fana
85. Paeris 86. Heizana 87. Lyari
88. Darieth 89. Azarya 90. Goren 91. Leorora 92. Naesatra 93. Taerel 94. Yinrel 95. Genlee 96. Ardreth 97. Sylphine 98. Aimer 99. Kharis 100. Iligwyn
Elf Names
Halfling Names
1. Tula
2. Dora
3. Hayla
4. Elrick
5. Dorrick
6. Brela
7. Samwise 8. Lewton 9. Bulford 10. Elrow
11. Woodrick 12. Nivla
13. Trumbul 14. Tobias 15. Arlot
16. Rook
17. Norton 18. Welbin 19. Ella
20. Samwell 21. Crumly 22. Grover 23. Windy 24. Lewella 25. Rowrick 26. Willa
27. Lenrick 28. Arlon 29. Hilwell 30. Willow 31. Finrow 32. Phina
33. Wendum 34. Windal 35. Willrow 36. Rula
37. Binlow 38. Wintum 39. Fillgrin 40. Finmore 41. Maxrow 42. Haygrin 43. Elras
44. Winlow 45. Dimrick 46. Wenlow 47. Elton
48. Woodlin 49. Welford 50. Samlot
51. Wells
52. Woodwil 53. Torlina 54. Maxwise 55. Hayton 56. Lavinia 57. Maxford 58. Lilly
59. Hamlow 60. Fillrow 61. Sambul 62. Trebor 63. Wilser 64. Petunia 65. Corbin 66. Arly
67. Lorton 68. Torbin 69. Jilla
70. Fillmore 71. Bulton 72. Ricbin 73. Samlow 74. Rowan 75. Wellesly 76. Daisy
77. Samton 78. Nora
79. Wina
80. Arton 81. Bulmore 82. Haymore 83. Wenton 84. Hilmore 85. Lewin 86. Hama 87. Samrick 88. Bulrow 89. Gaflin 90. Emma 91. Hayrick 92. Eldon 93. Willna 94. Groton 95. Rose
96. Willgrin 97. Woody 98. Ronan 99. Lowmin 100. Hilna
Dwarf names
1. Drolf
2. Borful
3. Boffin
4. Rasdrur
5. Kellyg
6. Khetrek
7. Groumret 8. Lokgruli
9. Brodrous 10. Boggol 11. Mognac 12. Nomoli 13. Dalen
14. Thignus 15. Reistac 16. Bosteg 17. Yugrif
18. Kraznog 19. Tuddaek 20. Dobrik 21. Khemdar 22. Gomnick 23. Araman 24. Wemrun 25. Kitmor 26. Broughol 27. Dadgroth 28. Golock 29. Darez
30. Torgred 31. Hezzuk 32. Yusut
33. Snathleg 34. Grufek 35. Khurge 36. Alfond 37. Yodrick 38. Norrim 39. Throndik 40. Bhakel 41. Norsum 42. Umidin 43. Yarram 44. Girnat 45. Kudrol 46. Hevrad 47. Tutrik
48. Hurhel 49. Whuldruf 50. Darsek
51. Grunsun 52. Halat
53. Tholgut 54. Hestun 55. Bolin
56. Dhossim 57. Domnig 58. Deghed 59. Bruvis
60. Therdrum 61. Fotmeck 62. Brubrem 63. Dalom 64. Kovir
65. Nolgrol 66. Ottom 67. Delmar 68. Umitt 69. Weznick 70. Jabrom 71. Bognur 72. Groudin 73. Bhaddor 74. Jandrac 75. Grakim 76. Dorol
77. Groznin 78. Vorsuk 79. Durmas 80. Thragg 81. Bredneg 82. Lokdin 83. Godmid 84. Grondrek 85. Durock 86. Sigril
87. Kirdum 88. Thernak 89. Gazzan 90. Luthyr 91. Jarn
92. Dhold 93. Thasdan 94. Fimnok 95. Bromoul 96. Yuggor 97. Thezzus 98. Ogrum 99. Bronad 100. Norfeth
Dwarf Names
How to Use this Book
This is the fifth book in a series of resources for fantasy tabletop role-playing games. As noted in the other Books of Random Tables, a game master can never have enough random tables. Random tables provide GMs with the ability to react to their playersí questions with creative answers on the fly.
The random tables in this book can be used in various ways. Game masters and dungeon masters can roll on them before or during sessions. They can have their players roll during sessions. They can pick items from the random table without rolling. It all depends on the style of play and situation the game master finds themselves in at the time.
The first section of this book is Names. Here game masters will find names for Dragons, Countries, Gangs, Ships, and more. Why names? Because players always ask for names. Plus names add a feeling of realism to the game world.
The next section is Carousing & Encounters. Adventurers like to party, so there is a table for the results of a night at the inn. There is also a table of night encounters.
Items & Things is a section packed with objects that characters can find in certain places. Players always want to search everything. Thatís okay. Roll with it and roll on the tables for fun and interesting items. There are Items on a Battlefield, Items in a Goblin Den, Items in an Inn Room, and more.
The Business Profit & Loss section may seem unnecessary, but it is not. During certain campaigns, the player characters may end up owning an inn or blacksmith shop or some other business. These tables allow for quickly rolling up profits or losses without bogging down the game.
Next, you will find a diverse set of tables in the People & Characters section. The NPC Developments and the Town Happenings tables remind GMs that the world doesnít stop while the PCs are away. A DM can use these tables to give the sense of a changing world. The other tables in this section include Key Backstory Moments, Resurrection Side Effects, and more.
Armed with these random tables, any game master or dungeon master is ready for the onslaught of questions and situations that arise during RPG sessions. Take them, use them, and may your adventures never cease.
Matt Davids 8/31/2021
1. Xemad the Taker of Life
2. Aduth
3. Ziga the Eternal Fire
4. Jizzirur the Mad Laugher
5. Dummug
6. Zursem
7. Bazum the Blue Fire
8. Vermithrax Pejorative
9. Keinth
10. Hoin the Brave
11. Giedrad the Tyrant
12. Etein the Fierce
13. Otibro the Lord of the Green Hills
14. Bairdot
15. Cyd Draym the Insane
16. Indruset
17. Baghata the Clever
18. Azziar
19. Frendau the Sleeper
20. VíGoryss
21. Mayla Gentleheart
22. Uddris the War Mind
23. Gregghon the Benevolent
24. Nardyti the White Shield
25. Lorkhan
26. Indiem
27. Mursum
28. Xendranth the Eater of Sheep
29. Citodaim
30. Fursid
31. Jivacrag the Slayer of Men
32. Falcora the Lucky
33. Lo’Kodra
34. Krag
35. Bidsolien
36. Misorth
37. Umrin
38. Derhelm Fastbrow
39. Arvto the Wyrm
40. Irdo the Lord of the Shadows
41. DíIidu
42. Irugu the White
43. Zekir
44. Yrryn the Lord of the Flies
45. Pothar
46. YíThag the Champion of the Fey
47. Vliassa Warriorborn
48. Noldeo the Stubborn
49. Gridol the Eater of All
50. Qusig the Quiet
51. Gemranth the Protector of the Weak
52. Zayrranan
53. Nyndross
54. Quddro the Dark Fiend
55. Fregia the Blood Flyer
56. Immendru the Eater of the Dead
57. DiíKaag
58. Broldriet
59. Galzris the Evil One
60. Cendrug the Render of Flesh
61. Naldrid
62. Kysad
63. QíRinth
64. Nurriam Warmheart
65. Dezaidu the Flame Tender
66. Mylrat Longtail
67. Bisar
68. Nortiag
69. Radirth
70. Zyrdit
71. Bandranym
72. Tomrayn
73. Mandod the Fell Warrior
74. Chordem
75. Qeobenth
76. Urgiar
77. Brudor the Dark Cloud
78. Taryross
79. Olri
80. Gytyrth
81. Qildurri the Captain of the Blackguard
82. Omborra the Champion of Bards
83. Zenderrus Worldheart
84. Ymmorlon the Lord Of The Lost
85. Koldrit Wyrmhead
86. Nymmo Braveheart
87. Noiniars
88. Jeodoin
89. Randroth the Black
90. Bror the Heartless
91. Friddraska
92. Adrrog
93. Frizal
94. Eigurth
95. Ughiaslo Apocalypse
96. Ymoraton the Bringer of Death
97. Zaghiss
98. Nurryn
99. Brimgore the Keeper of the Red Flower
100. Grimbar the Voiceless
Dragon Names
1. Vrekeron
2. Tanre Haica
3. Western Graldines
4. Gernamai
5. Hessirith
6. Kotilondra
7. Pokuburg
8. Slanddan Siace
9. Sintan
10. Sangahong
11. Onidrun
12. Nieda Pecha
13. Elvgosle the Isle of the Elves
14. Eight Sevreunia Confederation
15. Welonate
16. Thorosan Empire
17. Khuyeles
18. Unieldion the Dominion of the Unicorns
19. Frolosire the Summer Empire
20. The Landnania
21. The General Lowlands of Korva
22. Emida
23. Steotan
24. Faavoria
25. Anoma
26. The Oligarchy of Paruwald
27. Sliniel Empire
28. Esao
29. Lestria
30. Tio Nislands
31. Alry
32. The Syndicate of Vengravira
33. Cuasouth Jansternblic Isles
34. Andgreenco
35. Rodel
36. Colandcos
37. Delawilds
38. Vodrosa
39. Tro-tros Islands
40. Oprerruvia
41. Lodojan
42. Cair Northne
43. Soez
44. Hanaa
45. Isle of Tomo Liva
46. Ticputhio
47. Rinaca
48. Slandma Liayedu
49. Gei Bah-mayen
50. Kicaborg
51. Myguam Landta
52. The Pirate Chiefdom of Merbotia
53. Meawonao
54. South Lipri
55. Alsouth Blycanor
56. Adval
57. Molu
58. Tia Roonkraine
59. Batviaru
60. Daunanita
61. Elatri
62. Stadclaw
63. Straz
64. Geldenties
65. Walera Lyms Island
66. Outavia Dynasty
67. Croastor
68. Xaola Empire
69. Lemathen
70. Nei Tei
71. Tenagat
72. Ludengart
73. Kifa
74. Thronedea
75. Jugril
76. Ofu Masouth
77. Isintad
78. Friebarine
79. Ladarro Dynasty
80. Holy Ganthim Bishopric
81. Mesin
82. Byzator
83. Monia
84. The Citizenry of Caruland
85. Thuniel Empire
86. Lorpital
87. Falendorf
88. Ekroza
89. Mag-pele
90. Kumor Kingdom
91. Cotar
92. Perebora
93. Zoagund
94. Siasier
95. Ni-hia
96. Binostahn
97. The Supreme Confederation of Durelicon 98. Ragroulux
99. Ticmor Rand
100. Tarrino
Fantasy Country Names #1
Fantasy Country Names #2
1. Gepesite
2. Herr
3. Li Ling
4. Wonvor
5. Ujo
6. Rategy
7. Biamon
8. Thommodal
9. Westiny
10. Thoco Ina
11. Treydian
12. Phosortum
13. Zavala
14. Isle of Petzer Puneana
15. Ninth Clagolo Order
16. Glenonto Imperium
17. Slandsmarsa
18. Tical Dandala
19. Nohrain Bruthe
20. Thuabra Mya
21. Rudo Dean
22. Plodiv Blick Kingdom
23. Aamai
24. Gannesa
25. Nindian
26. Guardhurst
27. Vepresal
28. Edinia
29. Eastern Haoz Command
30. Boten-baxi
31. Probrineian
32. United Dolvora Isles
33. South Hurrind
34. Suukka
35. Tanua Territories
36. Raji Bani
37. Wubokar
38. Malmia
39. Yurus Dynasty
40. Lo-Dooth
41. North Neha
42. Northern Cristis Confederation
43. Riand Vlok Territories
44. Zzotha
45. Guerfa Laob
46. Maivoria
47. Andco
48. Drakinire, Empire of the Dragons
49. Nam Posta
50. The Emirate of Adawara
51. Karkos Kingdom
52. Guaroon Dosu
53. The Archmageís Command of Pelgast
54. Slora Empire
55. Cablic Berco
56. The Collective Provinces of Thonate
57. Pria Novilla
58. Norne Ryi
59. Steinva
60. Madian
61. Radkasian
62. Tanderval
63. Crestfeld
64. Polocante
65. Eswana
66. Finarea
67. Kastanbo
68. Evoziterra Empire
69. Pami
70. Tal
71. North Nisia
72. Bokorda Empire
73. Blicklie
74. Turksmo Rarta
75. Sukkuria
76. Liso Win
77. United Moam
78. Barita
79. Khadora Dynasty
80. Cantan
81. Devonds
82. Ibeki
83. The Imperatorís Realm of Welevilla
84. Potros
85. Decanvo
86. The Dragonsí Divinate of Devoria
87. Ginbang Pubral
88. Tinake
89. Iblic Lani
90. Ruand Lalau
91. Xelux Dynasty
92. Saltu Toden
93. Ivory Mevila Plutocracy
94. Eskines
95. The Archanate of Hanu
96. Bardroe Barnyasri
97. Pornita
98. Buko Mimau
99. Tarade
100. Baguia Pacci
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