4e monster roles - these explanations are what we guessed before hearing/reading, based on shown names (but not all "correct"):
Artillery - hard hitting range
Brute - big, melee
Controller - leader gives bonus stuff if near. OR thry control us.
Lurker - starcraft lurker. OR hiding for sneak attack. OR flying. Kobold looking thru arrow slits in wall?
Minion - follow the others… never solo
Skirmisher - hit n run? Lure into trap? Unpredictable
Soldier - trained front line. Maybe ranged.
See yt “4thr edition d&d steal these 7 rules”
4e monster roles - these are what he said. Also said doesn't include ELITES, SOLOS OR LEADERS (miniboss/boss types). (but I don't agree these are best options always... b/c where is the dang mage blaster? Mages shouldnt just be controllers as in battlefield block exit):
Artillery - ranged, then run for cover. 5e goblins have hide for bonus action right next to you.
Brute - big, melee (he says hi hp hi dmg and try to protect others, most likely to give life to save others). Some unrelated post says "the tank fallacy" meaning, if you have hi hp, the enemy might just ignore you, so... act like they need hi dmg too. Well if they have hi dmg AND hi hp, why would anyone stick to attacking them I say... then double reason to get away. And dmg is APPARENT to enemy, where as HP is invisible... so looking unhealthy but having hi HP is valid....
Controller - control battle field + aoe listed. Dude said 4e slated mages as this role. I dont like that being the only role, while AOE yeah, but magic high damage makes sense to me. Glass cannon.
Lurker - hit and run from edges i think they say. Yeah, easy to lose track of. Stick and move he says.
Minion - fodder. Aoe nukes 'em, but melee guys dont like. "Controversial in later years he says". I don't follow, it's bad for tanks, yeah, that's their weakness right? Casters just need enough spells to be able to take out the swarming guys... good game design will make it skillful so that there are ways to do it well and ways to suffer (Aoe on friendlies if emergency?? i dunno, when it's separate players and not one guy controlling all this is funky).
Skirmisher - he says less tanky but more mobile than "brute". Says, run past line and attack sorcerer in back. Says similar to lurker but more likely to do melee.
Soldier - good at everything he says. Monster types, these are most versatile, so use all soldiers if u cant decide.
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