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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

R_J_K75  asks 

"Does anyone remember a dragon magazine article, I believe it was in a Sage Advice column with Skip Williams, where he said that instantaneous magical fire effects would incinerate whatever it came in contact with but didn't set anything on fire as the fire is gone as soon as it an instant?"

This is driving me nuts too, b/c I absolutely read it somewhere. I really think it was either

  • 3.0 or 3.5e books... which material? 
    • back then we owned 
      • the core books
      • Magic Compendium
      • Unearthed Arcana maybe
      • Complete Wizard/Sorcerer Mage whatever they called that book
  • Or some of the very few Dragon Magazines I was buying around that timeframe, which we think was like... 1998ish? He thought it was a Dragon Magazine also. 

Reminds me how much I wanted to get all the good Mage Feats, might have to put them in our new campaigns, from COMPLETE MAGE 3.5e book:

3rdFireball: The quintessential spell of all blasters, and one of the most enduring arcane spells in general. The fireball spell reliably deals substantial damage in a 20-foot-radius burst from over 400 feet away. This spell is also a prime candidate for the Energy Substitution (cold) feat; a target immune to fire likely lacks similar protection against cold.

How about this 3.5e spell from Complete Mage:

LINGERING FLAMES spell level 6 = same as fireball, but flames linger doing  up to 15d6 if you are caster level 15. Nice!
This spell functions like fireball, except that the area remains filled with fire for the spell's entire duration. Any creature within or entering the area takes ld6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 15d6); a successful Reflex save halves this damage. 

 Ah yes, from the Complete Arcane book:

You can activate two wands at the same time. Prerequisites: Craft Wand, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Benefit: As a full-round action, you can wield a wand in each hand (if you have both hands free), with one wand designated as your primary wand and the other your secondary wand. Each use of the secondary wand expends 2 charges from it instead of 1.

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