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Monday, February 24, 2025

D&D Blink Spell <- a misunderstood spell - let's use it damn it; OSR and BECMI spells

BTW, just found great OSR links:

And some youtube links talking about old official 1e or BECMI style spells:

---BLINK... trying to figure out this weird spell still, below

I never got to use it much in 3.5 if ever. Now I think I get how it works for 5e. 50% chance you are safe from all damage each round, after all this is a level 3 spell slot, big commitment. And when fights last 2 or 3 rounds, you can't just waste stuff (gotta use metamagic to cast 2 spells to use this if you are caught off guard). 

It (potentially/usually unless you cancel it) lasts the full 1 minute (10 rounds right?). NO concentration. 

Sounds to me like as long as in 5e you keep rolling an 11 or better each round, you return to material plane for a moment (only 10 ft from start grid spot, ur choice), can do something else (attack spell), then you go back to the ethereal plane.  If you roll a 10 or lower, that round you can be attacked, maybe next round you cannot be attacked b/c u roll 11 or higher tho, repeat for 10 rounds total. 

Yes, that is how it works, I'm convinced. The weakness in 5e is that you are stuck only 10' from where you started the round before. But hang on, you can still move and cast/attack during your round, before you blink again. So you aren't stuck super bad actually, yeah, nice... I would use this in a boss fight. Shoulda cast it right b4 the black dragon, now that I understand how this sucker works.

Roll a d20 at the end of each of your turns for the duration of the spell. On a roll of 11 or higher, you vanish from your current plane of existence and appear in the Ethereal Plane (the spell fails and the casting is wasted if you were already on that plane).

At the start of your next turn, and when the spell ends if you are on the Ethereal Plane, you return to an unoccupied space (((AKA, return to Material plane if that is where you started))) of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of the space you vanished from. If no unoccupied space is available within that range, you appear in the nearest unoccupied space (chosen at random if more that one space is equally near). You can dismiss this spell as an action.

While on the Ethereal Plane, you can see and hear the plane you originated from, which is cast in shades of gray, and you can't see anything more than 60 feet away. You can only affect and be affected by other creatures on the Ethereal Plane. Creature that aren't there can't perceive you or interact with you, unless they have the ability to do so.

    • OK this is me emphasizing how to read this. 
    • At the end of EACH your turns, u roll d20, maybe you go ethereal. Assume u roll an 11, you go to the Eth plane.
    • At the START of your NEXT TURN, (skip the "when spell ends" ... I'm reading that as, you got stuck in ethereal plane b/c u went into a solid object so deep you couldn't get shunted out) you return to an unoccupied space in material plane 10 ft from original. 
    • Back to... end of each of your turns, roll d20, maybe you go ethereal again. 
    • So this would make it behave like a blink dog, and relatively similar to how the forgotten realms wiki explains it. And it would be SOMEWHAT useful. And you'd be blinking in and out of existence, which is the whole point. 
    • FLIPSIDE: Look at the flipside, if the creaturecollege thing were right (it cannot be). 
      • You would only get to be ethereal for one round only. So u cast it, 50/50 if you are ethereal... if u are great, you can do nothing but maybe avoid one round of an attack. Then you land right back where you were, spell ends, with no benefit except hoping your party killed the BBE guy. This makes no sense to me, totally useless. I really think they misread it b/c of the way it is strangely worded about the spell "fails" if you are in the ethereal plane. Thing is, you are never going to be in the ethereal plane unless you incorrectly cast this spell while hanging out in the ethereal plane, right? 

CREATURECOLLEGE, I am sure they misread the spell in 5e, which is easy to do. This CANNOT BE RIGHT. Reread the original spell. 

When you roll 11 or higher on d20, they can't mess with you that turn, but you did your thing as you wanted. Basically invuln. 

It keeps going, on and off, off an on, randomly 50/50, till a minute is up. 

Apparently... it only works once(?!?!). And then you teleport 10 ft back into your original space. OK, I'm not getting this spell once again. You have to roll an 11 continually... and you can't do anything except hide... well you could do dmg with a concentration spell, 

Concentration spells dont fade at least:
    • Flaming Sphere
    • xxxxx
    • Moonbeam woulda been nice, but only Druid has
    • Phantasmal Force (level 2) only does 1d6 dmg. 
    • Wall spells, like wall of stone/fire ... etc. 
That's it?! So it's only good against a boss... if you don't want to attack. WTH? What kinda boss am I fighting against were it makes sense for the DPS mage to leave the boss fight? Some 100% anti magic super-golem or something?

That dude was wrong on creaturecollege... reread the description (it is confusing) but then read this on forgottenrealms. 


This made the caster harder to attack, since there was a chance an attack or spell would miss due to the caster not being on the Prime Material Plane at the time.[6]

The caster could attempt to move through solid objects on the Prime Material Plane while blinked onto the Ethereal Plane, however, if the caster materialized in the same location as a solid object, he or she became "shunted" to the nearest available empty space, and this caused damage.[6]

The later post-Sundering version (((I will read this as basically the 5e version, eh?))) of the spell worked much in the same way but it allowed movement of only 10 feet. The caster could see and hear into the prime to a distance of only 60 feet but in shades of gray. While on the ethereal plane, the caster could not interact with creatures on the prime, only with those that connected to the ethereal plane. If no unoccupied space was found within 10 feet when the caster had to return, they would be randomly be placed in the nearest unoccupied area.[12]

AD&D 1st edition (1e) is:

 Duration: 1 round/level

 This spell is a weak and rather unreliable form of one of the true mage’s most powerful capabilities: teleportation magic. For the duration of the spell, the magic user teleports 2 ft in a random direction once per  round. The segment in which the magic user disappears and reappears is determined on 2d4, while the compass direction is rolled on a d8. If the direction roll would result in the caster being teleported into a solid object, the caster will blink a second time, for a distance of no more than 10 ft. If this second blink also results in the caster occupying a solid object, the spell will end, marooning the caster in the æthereal plane of existence. During and after the segment in which the teleportation occurs, the magic user’s sudden change of location prevents any direct attacks upon him or her. The caster may only be attacked directly if the attack is made before the blink takes place. If the caster teleports both from and into an area which is affected by an area of effect spell, he will suffer its effects. The constant changes of location take a toll upon the caster, who has a 25% chance of failing at attempts to cast spells, use most magic items, or take any action beyond making physical attacks.

 Via Kellri's spell reference for 1e AD&D... slightly diff:

Blink (Alteration)

Range: Caster Components: V, S

Duration: 1 round/ level Casting Time: 1 seg

Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None


By means of this spell, the
magic-user causes his or her material form to "blink" out
and back to this plane once again in random period
and direction during the duration of each minute the
spell is in effect. (Cf. Monster Manual, Blink Dog.) The
segment of the round that the spell caster "blinks out" is
determined by random roll with 2d4, and during this
same segment he or she will appear again 2' distant
from his or her previous position.


(Direction is determined by roll of d8: 1 = right ahead,
2 = right, 3 = right behind, 4 = behind, 5 = left behind, 6
= left, 7 = left ahead, 8 = ahead.) If some object is
already occupying the space where the spell caster is
indicated as "blinking" into, his or her form is displaced
in a direction away from original (round starting)
position for any distance necessary to appear in empty
space, but never in excess of an additional 10'. If that
extra distance still dictates the magic-user and another
solid object are to occupy the same space, the spell
caster is then trapped on the ethereal plane. During
and after the blink segment of a round, the spell caster
can be attacked only by opponents able to strike both
locations at once, e.g. a breath weapon, fireball, and
similar wide area attack forms.
Those not so able can only strike the magic-user if
they managed to attack prior to the "blink" segment.
The spell caster is only 75% likely to be able to perform
any acts other than physical attack with a hand-held
stabbing or striking weapon during the course of this
spell. That is, use of any spell, device, or item might not
be accomplished or accomplished in an incorrect
manner or in the wrong direction. Your referee will
determine success/failure and the results thereof
according to the particular action being performed.

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