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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Black Dragon goes down, our campaign #2

 The higher lvl campaign w kid as dm. He did a great job researching and running the black dragon. Near a lair… made a great custom map - swampy, had some ruins, had some watery spots.  3 lizardmen his minions, took em out. "Rylek will have our revenge" or similar. 

 Suspect dragon! Cast cleric cantrip on all for better resist roll (extra 1d4). 

Inch closer, bam dragon jumped out of water. Rollinit.

Char.s r level 12. Vs adult black dragon, cr14 using 2014 5e book, no spells from dragon.  

Barb was hi init, then ranger , dragon in middle then sorc then cleric.

Barb runs in gets two solid hits.  Dragon wing att then moves out w legendary before ranger can melee.  Dragon stays away from barb from here, airborne mostly.  

Positions, breath! Ranger and cleric both take 61 dmg, ouch! Ranger hp is 100 max, below half already.

Throughout, sorc using many sorc pts and quickened spells to do dmg… fb and lightning bolt upcast.  Later cone cold n fireball. Saving level 6 spot for after legend.resists are gone, we hope.  

Cleric channel divinity heals ranger n self (still down -26ish HP each), then later sunbeam for dmg.  

Barb n ranger using bows.  Forgot to roll for hunters mark dmg oops. Wouldn’t have mattered much. 

Dragon does fear, all but cleric fail.

We get it below 40%, it’s gonna leave but has one more breath attack… hates my dragonborn sorc.  Bam, breath on him and cleric.  61 dmg again to both, cleric down to -87 health, his max is 123, ow.  

Dragon rolls out double time, figure is halfway off edge of map.  Kid counted to be sure, almost called it “game”.  Wait!, the sorc wants blood, chain lightning 10d8, points to reroll, big dmg, fireball big enough.. now cleric goes,… sunbeam 6d8 or flamestrike 8d6?!?!?!?!

Let's do Flamestrike, rolls super high, dragon legendary resist again..,,,, he was down to 16 health, cleric's sunbeam does like 18 or 19 after save… boooyah!!!! Dead dragon!

Was very epic nailbiter whole time. Ssuper fun, we loved it. Nobody (DM, me the player, the dragon, the characters even) thought we'd take him down first try. 

We used this mini, he didn't have a rider of course though. 

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