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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Cold days in us history

Super cold huh? February 1899.  quote:

On February 11, residents of Fort Logan, Montana, awoke to a temperature of -61 degrees. Wind chills in southern Texas were estimated at -25 to -40 degrees, downright balmy compared to the wind chills approaching -100 degrees on the northern Plains. Between February 11 and February 14, the Great Arctic Outbreak set record low temperatures that still stand in Grand Rapids (-24 degrees), Wichita (-22 degrees), Oklahoma City (-17 degrees), Atlanta (-9 degrees), Fort Worth (-8 degrees) and Baton Rouge (2 degrees). 
Even in Florida there was no vacation from the cold. The temperature in Tallahassee fell to an all-time state record of -2 degrees on February 13 as nearly two inches of snow fell from the Panhandle to Jacksonville. Tampa received the first measurable snowfall recorded in the city’s history and trace amounts fell further down the Gulf Coast. Even in tropical Miami, the mercury dipped below freezing as desperate farmers set fires among their orange groves and wrapped their trees for protection from the cold.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Mandalorian is Boba Fett =]

I don't care what they say. He is Boba Fett, obviously... just maybe not legally. I mean hell, even Boba Fett can have a change of heart, right? He almost died... he aged. Why not?! Super awesome show, seriously. First 3 episodes blew me away, especially #3. Don't read this but... the only thing that happened that made me think "OK, he's not Boba... " is when he said he's gotta get one of those jet packs. Obviously Fett had and used one. :(

Only thing I'll complain about here is that the Bossk guys have an altered face that looks more human. I like the original better, though less humanly emotive. Oh, they have regular human arms and hands now, too. Well that's too bad, the original was more unique and alien looking. And reptilian.

OK one more... I hate to mention it but but but... got to. They need to stop having super women beat up our Mandalorian. Seriously... Disney did enough supergirl stuff int he recent movies... leave this alone. It's a Western, let the guys be the main badasses again OK?

Enough of that...loving this show!!!