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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Metamagic efficiencies - Cold Sorcerer (Dragonblood Dragonborn Silver = Cold dmg)

  •  Level 12 sorc.
  • Got 20 CHA so +5. 
  • Does extra 5 dmg on cold spells. 
  • FEAT: Metamagic Adept, bumps to 14 total sorc points at this level. 
  • Costs 1 sorc point to Twin a spell, could Twin Ray of Frost. It'll do
    • 3d8(+5 b/c cold) on enemy 1
    • 3d8(+5 b/c cold) on enemy 2
    • == 6d8 +10 if both hit. 
  • IF I WAS A FIRE SORCERER, i'd be using Fire Bolt for 3d10+5 (doubled with sorc point) at this level. OMG. 
  1. Well that's better than Chromatic Orb (3d8 only), except you have to do cold dmg (which might matter). 
  2. Scorching Ray, a level 2 spell - 2d6 per... monsters, 3 monsters hit. 6d6 if all 3 hit. 

These spells are jacked up, a level 2 spell isn't even close to a Cantrip at this level. Obviously they just want you to use cantrips and ignore all the old spells. Boring, and it sounds like house rules should be adding some variety. What, are they thinking "speed up the game by making it so you can cast less vareity"? Boring. 

Question, why isn't ice storm a bigger area... 25 ft radius or something to make it different than a cold fireball. I mean the difficult terrain is nice... is it a huge deal? Maybe it is, I dunno.

Fire shield can be Coldshield, so 2d8 fire (or cold then +5) dmg if htey hit you melee. 

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