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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Excellent minis from Pathfinder for once. Other good purchases for miniatures (random list).

All the good ones are common, nice. And the common ones are essentially normal monsters, with a few extra cool mage looking monsters, the skeletal mage, the necromancer looking gnoll (had no idea that was a gnoll). Skele champion, lizardmen, snakemen. Absolutely great looking stuff. 

And this dude is like so close to my old WoW char.

UPDATE: Got one of their ... Battle Box for Fearsome Forces... whatever that comes with apparently EVERY SINGLE one of their minis for that line, yeah you get all the commons and the rares. Nice. There were repeats for a couple of cool ones (snake men like the Nagaji and the blue snake guy standing, great sculpts) and a couple of less usable ones (female orcs... maybe I'll find a way, maybe not). Got one each of the Skellie champion and Skellie Mage... they look great. Actually all of them look pretty great, very high quality. 

It also occured to me they have a lot of Japanese influenced monsters... the funny casa obake (umbrella monster), the kumo or gumo spider lady, the nagaji (just sounds Japanese... don't know that they actually have Naga in Japan lore). Pretty cool stuff. 

Here's an Amazon link (I'd recommend getting from  your local store though, help out the little guys) to the 

WizKids Pathfinder Battles: Fearsome Forces (12 ct. Battle Box)       

Here's some other cool or useful things:

DnD style Record of Lodoss War game: Record of Lodoss War Deedlit in Wonder Maz

The Melee Maps, folding maps, excellent:

Look up Dungeon Tile reincarnated. And the other DnD Reincarnated tiles. And don't forget the box sets for the Drizzt, Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and Temple of Elemental evil... great options for getting unpainted minis at a good price PLUS comes with great tiles (jigsaw style) and some tokens. 

Oh, Pathfinder/Paizo map squares... what do you call them... it's like 8x8 grids that you can fit together any way you want. Also great.. super great, even easier to use than the jigsaw style ones, but they can slip around depending on surface. So jigsaw stays together best, keep that in mind. THESE Pathfinder Map Pack - Forest Trails (contains 18 map Tiles), which work great in addition to other maps. I did have to create some clearings... these contain some clearings, and I just used the new green melee mat for some other clearings, with these tiles on top. Worked out pretty great... turned into a scene where the kid had the warlock come out of the ring on the druid/quezalcouatalus to fireball the Tree Blight and Wood Woad. Great stuff, epic scene!

The Pathfinder flip maps are all excellent:

Mythos Dungeon example I need to get

TO BUY MORE MAYBE: Dungeon Tiles by Wizkids/ DnD:

And check this for maps:

TO TRY? The reviewer guy on amazon for the Pathfinder forest tiles that had the best info recommended these "Steve Jackson's Cardboard Heroes... with stands"... apparently now you print them on cardstock (the thick paper, I have some) and cut them (can you still buy the stands?) out:

Based on this picture,

copied, I think the dropped weapons is a great idea. The Conan looking barbarian is cool of course. Reptile Men are good... not menacing, look more like hero characters to me though ... and generic snake or lizard probably. This blog talks about 'em too:

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