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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Bulette pronunciation

The Enworld pronunciation guide is fun:


See reddit post.

Somebody claims Gygax said in Dragon mag 1 says they were making fun o French, so “boo lay” is it.  Holy sh*t it was true (and I've seen/read that before, just forgot):

The Bulette (pronounced boo-lay), has only two semivulnerable spots. The eyes are AC 4, but very small compared to the overall bulk of the monster. The other is the underside of the hinged portion of their back. The only time this area is exposed is when they raise their crest, something seldom done except in the fiercest of fights. This softer area is AC 6, but only about a foot


as shields, and their teeth are said to be extremely valuable. They are NEVER found underground. They are very rare, and only the overall mated pairs, if such exist, will share the same territory. No young 

Some reddit folks say  Not pronounced “boo lay”. I tend to agree based on actual letter rules.  And look up "Boullette history"… an English born prostitute in Nevada, murdered (sorry lady),... main point is "English born" so that's probably an English name and maybe one made up by a prostitute, who knows.

French reddit poster says … something confusing but it isn't a French word in real life he says.  

Lol bandalooper says “i ll mount the figure on the dash of my cheverlette Corvet.” F*cking exactly, heh. 


But then ENworld has a pronounce guide and lists both but says u should rly say (Boo lett). Based on... I don't know. 


The  old school d20play guys say "boo lay" on stream, which is what got me to look things up. Very funny stuff all around.



QUOTE: Just as a point of interest, did you know that ENworld had a guide to official pronunciation under the resources tab up top?

Which amusingly lists different ways of pronouncing it from different sources:

The WoTC Glossary has it as:
Bulette: boo-LAY (note that this one is universally condemned by gamers everywhere, so we suggest ignoring WotC and saying "boo-lett")

While the article "Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd" by Frank Mentzer in Dragon #93 (Jan. 1985) has it as:
Bulette (M): boo-LET, or byoo-LET; also boo-LAY, or byoo-LAY

(The (M) is just the source, not part of how you say it.)

So rejoice, you are not alone in having different pronunciations!


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