Like cast mirror image and inviz same time.
Reddit “ clever uses of the contingency spell?“
- "When I blink with my right eye twice" as a triggering condition. False Life boosted to 5th level could work when you drop to low (but not 0) hp.
- Condition: drop to <10 HP.
- cast polymorph on self
- Become a mother f*cking T Rex..
- Maybe not so good when in a tight space.
- Polymorph would probably be the best source of hp and you can cease concentration as a non-action. I don't like it as much as false life as it might cancel out another spell I have going.
- I like to use it with mirror image since it doesn't require concentration. I typically use a condition such as "when someone makes a weapon attack against me" or "when I speak the following word" if I want to have control over when it triggers.
I really hate dropping concentration.
Contingency: When I lose concentration on haste due to taking damage.
Contingent Spell: haste
Any 5th level or lower self-buff works to replace haste.
- Set up a rope trick with a really short rope to go off on top of yourself. The Rope trick is a safe hidey hole for your weak wizard and even can give you a short rest if the enemy patiently waits outside. Attacks can't go in or out of the rope trick and if you pull the rope up behind you nothing can then get in.
- Contingency: When a creature targets me with the Scrying spell
Contingent Spell: Nondetection
- It technically acts the same as an Amulet of Proof of Against Detection and Location, but it frees up an attunement slot for other items. And it allows you to know when someone tries to scry on you, so your party knows without having to cast See Invisibility to see the sensor.
- many many more
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