" D&D Trivia - Blessed Crossbow Vs. Rakshasa was from the old Kolchak show." says chatroom during Playd20's stream. That is practically "the way" to kill Rakshasa's in old AD&D.
"Ward Captain Leo Ramutka enters his home after a wake and is greeted by an armored figure that fires a crossbow at him, killing him and literally pinning him to his front door. ... The arrow is a bolt from a medieval crossbow that would require 300 psi to crank and would be impossible to find in the modern-day.... armored figure bearing a chained mace which steps on a phone then crushes in Hocking's skull.... At the Hydecker Museum... identifies it as a medieval crossbow bolt. Carl notices that one suit of armor has a nearby empty quiver, and that there is a crossbow capable of firing the bolts on the wall. He also spots a mace.... The knight goes into the bathroom and cuts Minerva in half with a battle axe.... The armor belonged to a Black Cross knight but Boggs refuses to say anything further....
Carl is more interested in tracking down the heraldry of the shield he saw at the museum. The man identifies the heraldry as belonging to the Mettancoeur family of Burgandy. The last of the line, the Guy de Mettancoeur, ducked the Crusades and amassed a fortune by killing women and children. Although his family dealt in wine, Guy hated human pleasures and become a pariah in his own time. Mettancoeur consorted with reputed wizards and had a reputation for invincibility. Carl goes through the book and confirms the armor Mettancoeur wore is the same as at the museum.
... then explains to Vincenzo that Guy had an invulnerable suit of armor, and how he was slain by a blessed axe blessed by Pope Gregory - the axe is at the museum as well. ...
animated armor comes walking down the stairs. After it walks by, Carl starts snapping photos, which naturally it notices. It picks up a javelin and Carl ducks barely in time. Then the armor grabs a sword and goes after Carl, ...
...He manages to get to the case holding the blessed axe although the knight steps on his camera. Carl throws another suit of armor at it long enough to get the axe out. The suit cowers back and Carl manages to lift the monstrosity enough to get in one good blow, then plant it on the ground so the knight falls directly on it. Carl is left to consider all the explanations he's going to have to make."
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