But man that is some good stuff, gotta use!!!
Via DragnaCarta's
Is that RAW or fan? Answer: it's fan made for the RAW situation. So it doesn't introduce new stuff, it's just a presentation of something that could (should?) happen.
From 3.5e, awesome option for mists:
The mists that shroud the valley of Barovia are a tool Strahd
uses to discourage visitors—and to prevent his victims from
The mists surround Barovia. To characters entering the
region, they appear as nothing more than a light fog that does
not significantly hamper vision. However, they act as a mind
fog spell, imposing a –10 penalty on Wisdom checks and Will
saves for creatures within the fog if they fail a DC 20 Will
save. At Strahd’s command, the mists thicken into a denser
fog that obscures all sight beyond 5 feet and grants conceal-
ment at closer ranges, as a fog cloud spell does. In addition,
Strahd can create supernatural illusory patterns within the
fog—horrific shapes and fearsome monsters—that cause
characters to become panicked if they fail a DC 18 Will save.
Strahd can choose whether these patterns appear between
the characters and the outside world (causing panicked char-
acters to flee back toward Barovia) or on the other side of the
characters (making them flee away from his domain).
--> The first time characters encounter patterns in the mists,
read this text aloud to describe the scene.
The fog grows thicker, and forms into snaky tendrils
that seem to wrap themselves around you. Horrific
forms shape themselves in the mist—gaping mouths
and bony claws attached to monstrous forms that
shift with the smallest movement of the air. The
faintest hint of a ghostly moaning reaches your ears,
sending a cold trickle of fear down your spine.
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