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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Strahd, things I forgot to put in from 1e, etc. spoilers

 I will do some of this:

1e had: 

Each night the PCs stay anywhere other than in the castle (Area K), Strahd attacks with his wolves and bats. His attacks are intended more to frighten the PCs than to damage them. Strahd just toys with them. After 5 melee rounds, Strahd and his creatures withdraw.

If the PCs are indoors, every turn Strahd attacks, wolves try to break through a window or a door. A roll of 1 or 2 on 1d6 means that a wolf breaks through. Once a wolf gets in, the remainder of the wolves and bats come in. The wolves and Strahd never attack Ireena Kolyana. After 5 melee rounds, all of the creatures flee into the night, leaving only Strahd's hollow laughter in the distance.

1e had:

Ireena will join the fight b/c bitten twice. Has a good arm. Willful. Sweet but troubled woman.  


I like this reddit person's Ireena involvement, but maybe wont work as is for me b/c our hidden weapons are already in the family crypt: Quote:

extra note: this worked for me in part because my party had previous opportunities to explore castle Ravenloft and were familiar with its layout by the end of the campaign (at least the lower floors, not so much the upper). 

     I had a general story arc for Ireena that went on throughout the entire game. Instead of posting it here I'll link it to save space. The conclusion of the arc was Ireena feeling defeated, hopeless, and heading to Castle Ravenloft to try to appease Strahd. Meanwhile, my party was at Amber Temple to retrieve the Sun Sword and gain weird powers. They arrived back in Vallaki to find out about what Ireena was doing and headed off to Ravenloft to save the day.

Phase 1: Chapel

The party arrived in the chapel ready to crash the wedding between Strahd and Ireena. Just about every notable NPC was there, along with some extra vampire spawn. Strahd ordered the party destroyed and everybody scrambled - initiative rolled for every entity in the room and each of them given their own priorities (listed at the bottom due to length, roll the initiative in advance to speed up the game). When Strahd is reduced to less than 50 HP I'd have him turn into a bat and fall back down the hall to recover and regenerate. (I know i can just have him phase but my group hadn't seen him transform and I think his forms are cool).

Phase 2: Entry Hall

Strahd would be on the ceiling (using his spider climb ability). He would say, "Ireena, I am disappointed that it has come to this. You know everyone will die, and you know it will be all your fault. If you are determined to throw your own life away as well, know that I will collect you again in the next one." Strahd and the 8 gargoyles attack the group. When Strahd is weakened enough like before, I'd have him head south, turn into a wolf, and head downstairs.

At this point Van Richten (who was with the group) would remark that this is ridiculous and Strahd can do this all day. Ireena mentions that he can move freely through the castle walls and he's virtually indestructible. However, he may be unwilling to allow the group into his family's crypts.

Phase 3: Flooded Dungeon

(I turned the whirlpool teleporter traps off because they're a pacing-killer)

In the main chamber with the platform and thrones, the zombies would emerge from the sludge. Strahd would remark, "You seem capable of handling the wretched shadows I throw at you. But can you handle your own?" and I'd have a Shadow Demon appear nearby for each of my players. He can already command Shadows but they're so weak, and in the finale with the Sun Sword they can definitely dispatch Shadow Demons. When Strahd is reduced enough he'll turn to mist and retreat behind the curtain.

Phase 4: Crypts

Strahd announces from somewhere hidden, "I didn't think you deserved one of these tombs. You've proven me wrong! This will be your final resting place!" I filled the crypt areas with ghouls, ghasts, and wights. Strahd can use his phasing to use hit-and-run tactics against the party, or more of his spellcasting.

The group can make their way to Sergei's tomb (if the players don't think of it themselves, RVR can come up with the idea). Desecrating Sergei's body (just attacking it will suffice) sends Strahd into a rage, foolishly allowing himself to be destroyed. When reduced to 0 HP he of course turns into mist and floats toward his own coffin where he can be truly destroyed. (his parents' tomb or his own would work too, but Sergei's is the closest to the route to the crypts)

Summary / Opinion / Debrief

Overall I think the finale was a success. The enemies themselves aren't super high CR, but dealing with all of them in a row turns the final fight into an ordeal that spans a good chunk of the castle. Things get mixed up enough at each phase of the fight to keep things interesting, and Strahd allowing himself to be destroyed is believable.

One problem I ran into was that my party would gun down Strahd in an encounter and force him to fall back, and then they then just kind of have to plunk away at the remaining foes. The gargoyles were especially bad for this. I'm not sure how I'd fix it, maybe fudge health and stuff and have them more easily dispatched? It's something to consider.   

extra note: this worked for me in part because my party had previous opportunities to explore castle Ravenloft and were familiar with its layout by the end of the campaign (at least the lower floors, not so much the upper). 

Strahd 5e needs Tactics to Win + MY DESC his spells + sample battle in reddit thread

TACTICS, SAMPLE BATTLE: Strahd 5e version isn't always powerful against super experienced players.

  • Seems it's ALL about the Sunsword in 5e, since he doesn't have the 3.5e sunlight protection thingie. And grappling him/preventing escape. 
  • He talks about high level spells that capture/incapacitate Strahd are the way to beat him.
  • CR goes from CR5 to CR20 in 5e depending on things. 
  • He's a cheesy, annoying hit and run monster if you play him perfectly on purpose, so DM needs to think hard about how to balance it instead of making it a 2 day fight. 
    • Phase through walls and hit with the Ray of Frost, that does 2d8 (9th level caster) plus slows them by 10ft. 
  • Fireball is fair, he says. -> I'll change the description so it's more vampirey and less wizardy. 
  • Sleep spell against hurt PCs (or polymorphed tiny things) is good, bring them to the dungeon.
    • No death saving throws, so playing nice
  • Polymorph PCs to frog. Transport to dungeon.
    • I just have issues with "polymorph to frog" from a vamp... feels wrong still. 
  • Legendary Actions
    • Note that this list assumes that Strahd will always save at least one legendary action use after for the turn immediately preceding his own in order to move out of sunlight before the start of his turn and ensure his continued regeneration.
  •    Can’t Use Charm. Strahd freely uses his Charm ability when able, but the DM has made clear to the players that they are able to protect themselves by closing their eyes or refusing to look at him, which the players frequently do. Use this option if you want to allow Strahd to fight at full strength while within sunlight (i.e., by inflicting the blinded condition against PCs who refuse to look at him) and increase his survivability against damaging attacks and vision-based spells (e.g., hold monster). If you use this option, increase Strahd’s CR by 1.   
  • Mirror Image by Strahd ... v. powerful, party needs lots of DISPEL MAGIC to deal with it. 
  • Fog Cloud by Strahd, allows him to protect himself from sunlight. 
    • area becomes heavily obscured, same as blinded
  • "Vengeful" poster's word. If a PC taunts Strahd specifically regarding Sergei, King Barov, Queen Ravenovia, or Tatyana, Strahd prioritizes that PC’s injury or death above other competing targets. Use this option if you would like to highlight Strahd’s status as a flawed, fallible villain. If you use this option and expect your players to make strategic use of such tactics, decrease Strahd’s CR by 1.

5e Average Encounter via reddit still

Let’s assume that Strahd uses the Minor Phasing strategy, setting his default CR to 9. Let’s also assume that his preferred actions include unarmed strike, fireball, sleep, and polymorph (frog); that his preferred legendary actions include unarmed strike and move; that he cannot use charm (+1 CR); that he primarily uses his phasing lair action; that he prefers to isolate characters through imprisonment; that he prepares between consecutive combats by casting fog cloud; and that his responses to provocation are vengeful (-1 CR).

In this scenario, Strahd fights like a hit-and-run guerilla, slowly wearing the party’s resources down until he is either successfully grappled or somehow incapacitated.

In this encounter, Strahd’s effective CR is 9, meaning that a party of 9th-level PCs attuned to the Sunsword and Holy Symbol will likely face a challenging, resource-intensive final encounter. By contrast, a party of 10th-level PCs will face a slightly easier encounter, expending fewer resources and facing lower risk.   

DESCRIPTION FIXER, MINE  (if not liking him seeming to be a wizard):

  • Fireball by him = He says "Hell's Fire!" and black or pure red fire erupts in an area equal to fireball, but it ain't fireball. 
  • Polymorph Other = ... not sure I want to use this at all, but the capture to dungeon thing seems OK. Hmm... how would we describe it???
  • Sleep = yeah, it'd be magical, but I still see it as a vampire thing, related to his charm. 
  • Fog Cloud = OK... the mist and cloud thing is all related in my mind. 
  • Inviz = Yeah, it works I think. 
  • Mirror Image = OK, THIS is a problem... too wizardy. How would I describe it, I dunno. 
  • Gaseous Form => Vapor Form (2e calls it Vapor form... sounds more old school, so better)... 2e says amorphous, which I get. You aren't the shape of yourself anymore. 

Lair and Legendary Actions explained and

Legendary Actions Rules – Page 11 of the Monster Manual - regains them at end of monster's turn. Only one legendary at a time. Can use like 3 weak ones during one round, but can't repeat 2 in a row, right? 
Each legendary action can cost between 1-3 legendary actions per use. 

  • A single boss creature has only 1 action per round while each player has at least 1 per turn. One way of solving this problem is to give your boss some minions during the fight to even the odds. Another way is to give your boss some legendary actions and lair actions.
  • Legendary actions used OUTSIDE a creature's turn. Legendary actions always take place directly after a player’s turn in combat, and a creature can only act once between players’ turns.
    • This limitation prevents legendary creatures from taking advantage of temporary poor positioning by using all their legendary actions at the worst moment. 
    • If a creature can’t take normal actions, for example when it is incapacitated, it can’t take legendary actions. It also can’t use legendary actions until after its first turn in combat if it is surprised. 
  • Lair actions always take place on an initiative count of 20. That means the effect occurs before any players who rolled a 19 for initiative, and after any players who rolled a 20 or higher with bonuses (miniboss is losing initiative ties on 20)
  • Creatures can’t use the same lair action twice in a row, as the DM you’ll have to mix it up rather than simply picking the best option for a given situation. 

3.5e negative levels explained (vs Strahd  3.5e they are temp neg levels for the most part)

To avoid permanent loss of levels.... "The mechanic itself gives you 24 hours to come up with something boosting your Fort save, such as spells or temporary Con increases during the time of the roll. " 

Energy Drain =/= Negative Levels =/= Permanent Level Loss.

  • Energy Drain (Su) is a monster special ability. It has its own callout for creatures immune to it. Being a (Su) ability, Spell Resistance does not apply to it. When you're hit with a melee attack from a monster with Energy Drain, you receive one or more negative levels, a debuff hitting several character stats. There's no saving throw against the negative levels going on. Finally, Energy Drain gives the monster that hit you with it 5 temporary hitpoints per negative level imposed - these come from the ability, not the negative levels.

  • Negative levels are a temporary debuff. They impose penalties, not damage. 1 negative level = -1 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level where it matters (e.g. Smite Evil, Caster Level); -5 penalty to hitpoints; and lose your highest level spell. Sooner or later, as set by the ability or spell that imposes them, negative levels go away. But if they last 24 hours, they force you to save (Fort) against each negative level. Fail a save, you permanently drop a character level (or hit dice) for that negative level. Lastly, if you've got as many negative levels as you have hit dice, you die, no save, and usually come back as a wight 1d4 rounds later. Though they're said to be negative levels, nothing explicitly makes them a negative energy effect, though in most cases your DM will likely rule they are.

  • Level loss is permanent level loss. Doesn't have to happen due to negative levels, good old Raise Dead does this to you Under level loss, you lose a hit dice, or a character level (RAI being the one most recently acquired.) And your XP total is reset to halfway between your new low level and the one you came from. This has implications for Thought Bottle ab/use, as we'll see later.  
FUnny about negative levels 3.5e is: flat-out immune (Constructs) or antifragile opposition (Undead, who are healed by negative energy effects).

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Eye & Hand of Vecna - Lotsa good lore

 I'm not a sucker for lore, but this one has got me interested.


Quick summary from them:

Eye and Hand of Vecna

Wondrous Item, Artifact

Seldom is the name of Vecna spoken except in a hushed voice. Vecna was, in his time, one of the mightiest of all wizards. Through dark magic and conquest, he forged a terrible empire. For all his power, Vecna couldn't escape his own mortality. He began to fear death and take steps to prevent his end from ever coming about.

Orcus, the demon prince of undeath, taught Vecna a ritual that would allow him to live on as a lich. Beyond death, he became the greatest of all liches. Even though his body gradually withered and decayed, Vecna continued to expand his evil dominion. So formidable and hideous was his temper that his subjects feared to speak his name. He was the Whispered One, the Master of the Spider Throne, the Undying King, and the Lord of the Rotted Tower.

Some say that Vecna's lieutenant Kas coveted the Spider Throne for himself, or that the sword his lord made for him seduced him into rebellion. Whatever the reason, Kas brought the Undying King's rule to an end in a terrible battle that left Vecna's tower a heap of ash. Of Vecna, all that remained were one hand and one eye, grisly artifacts that still seek to work the Whispered One's will in the world.


 Check this out:

The eye looks like a bloodshot organ torn free from the socket. To attune to the eye, you must gouge out your eye and pop in Vecna's. Simple, right? The eye will attach itself to the eye socket, appearing as a golden cat's eye. The eye stays in place until you die, which will happen immediately if you remove it from your head. 

Properties of the Eye. It's not surprising your alignment changes to neutral evil. 

Other crazy stuff, some negatives unless you find and attach BOTH the Hand and the Eye. If you only have the eye, for instance, 5% chance of death each time you cast a spell from the eye. So you really want BOTH.

And check it out... regarding someone trying to destroy the items incorrectly:

You may try other methods, and they may appear successful. You'd be wrong, though. The artifacts reappear in some random place in the multiverse, waiting for the next person to cut off a hand or remove an eye and embrace the evil within them.

Monday, January 6, 2025

D&D - fun combat encounters (terrain, etc.)


Fun Combat Encounters

The following features can add more fun and suspense to a combat encounter:

  • Terrain features that pose inherent risks to both the characters and their enemies, such as a frayed rope bridge and pools of green slime
  • Terrain features that provide a change of elevation, such as pits, stacks of empty crates, ledges, and balconies
  • Features that either inspire or force characters and their enemies to move around, such as chandeliers, kegs of gunpowder or oil, and whirling blade traps
  • Enemies in hard-to-reach locations or defensive positions, so that characters who normally attack at range are forced to move around the battlefield
  • Different types of monsters working together

D&D Warduke, Kelek, etc. there is some good lore here

The kid found:

D&D Items for the party - spoilers

You get TWO Attunement slots per character. 

Reference for "player given grades" of artifacts, seems reasonable opinions:
And I'll ask again, does it seem like magic super swords are always grade A, while staffs and such are often grade C or worse? hmmm. 

IDEA - to present quests for loot

4 ghosts of kindred spirit, behind the crack in the mountain wall (near waterfall), known today as:
  1. The Rager
  2. The Evoker
  3. The Defender 
  4. The Wild one
Choose wisely these things… several loot items. 
Then he d pick blindly?
Or they explain?
More than one per??


How about this instead: 

One item exists there in grave per each hero (as ghosts they can always recover one item, part of their haunting).

But quest again to find the ones scattered away by secondary lost heroes. 

      • Quest to YesterHill
        • Sprinkle the dust from any of following onto Sickle to activate RedSkelFungusSickle
          • thighbone of Marikornucopia
          • normal red fungus spores from an evil druid (or a turned good one)
          •  absorb power from the green gem??
          • .... maybe depending on which one, it gets a different power up. 

1. gauntlets ogre power ((FROM RAGER))
2. red skel fungal sickle ---> TO FULLY POWER IT UP... +1 now, but +2 later when... ... the evil druids. Destroy the tree. 
3. cloak protection  ((from defender))
4. bracers protection ((from defender))
5. ((FROM EVOKER))... something to raise WIS or CHARIS (what does warlock need, just CHARIS?)
   5.5 HELMET of.... CHAR +1 (intimidating), AC+1 
6. Animated Shield ((from Defender))

Find in random places:

1. +1 axe
2. +1 mace


  • STAFF of The Dungeon... cast Knock (unlock door) + Detect Magic + Detect Trap + Ice Knife
    • I made this up... since party doesnt have a thief or a wizard
    • +1 att, +1 AC, +1 on spell attack and +1 spell DC
    • 10 charges max
      • costs 1 charge to detect magic
      • costs 1 charges to Knock
      • costs 1 charge to Ice Knife
      • 2 charges to flaming sphere
      • costs 1 charge to detect Trap
      • Full recharge or Regains 1d6+6 charges every morning
  • Staff of Defense - +1 AC, only for Warlock, Wiz, Sorc (attune)
  • Don't forget the Sunsword is +2, dmg 1d8 (or 1d10 twohanded), only for Sword ppl. 1d8 extra dmg to undead and stuff. 
  • +2 Red Skeleton-fungus Sickle for Druid - 
    • HIDDEN BEHIND a super holy NATURE thing (DRUID's provide, b/c undeath is anti-Nature) that Strahd can't get to, he wants the Party to get this dangerous weapon b/c he's arrogant and thinks he can kill the Party then destroy this dangerous weapon. 
    • The Druids have been encouraging nature ... even through decay (fungus) to fight against undeath. Strahd might know decay and weird funguses and such is a thing in "his land", but he's not wise enough/too arrogant to realize the potential of simple things to be his downfall. It's been growing in caves and such right under his nose... and now it's going to bite him in the ass. 
      • [I just read that there are evil druids there in YesterHill]. HURRY, says the druid leader of the good ghosts/ACORN SPEAKING TO DRUIDS BACK HOME(?), don't let the evil druids create this Gulthias tree! One portal will get them close-ish to there or no need? 
        • But One Druid of the 6 evil betrays Strahd, helps Party during fight. 

        • The good ghost or acorn knows which evil.Druid is on the verge (or totally good?).
          • G.Ghost was magically calling out to the e.druid who was turning good, helped convince. Easy(?) for druids, b/c naturally they want to be balanced, on the side of nature. 
            • Maybe he was an old hero they were trying to convert to evil.
            • Does he stick around? 
              • Maybe he insists on staying on the inside to keep helping out? Or would Strahd know? I think not, the druids can detect animal spies. 
              • Maybe he is taken out during fight
        • I'm starting to really dislike this Strahd dude; he "makes" the druids + berserkers sleep in dirt graves? They are dirty with twisted hair and all that the description reads. Stinker. See, he's looking down on nature... thinks he can control it all and only his corruption plans rule. EEeeiihnnt, wrong. 
        • can the party fight 6 druids and 6 beserkers??
        • maybe with some new loot
        • OPTION - need gem from gulthias tree to make the RedSkeleton-Fungus Sickle????
          • Or one more type of fungus spore from e.druid turned good
          • Or fungus spore from any e.druid ... they are the ones growing them?! NAH. But maybe need one type of fungus to cross with another. 
          • Or dust from the thighbone of Marikovikovia. 
            • Red Fungus drew power from that thighbone?? 
      • YesterHill. Read pg. 198-200 of the 5e Curse of Strahd... there are some evil ( say rise from their "graves", what's that mean) druids that Strahd controls to make a TreeBlight. 
        • I say, the original first Gulthias Tree in the Sunless Citadel that created twig blights... one of the blights wandered into Ravenloft and so corrupted druids used it as a basis for their new Gulthias tree. 
        • BloodSpear nearby is given only to a Barbarian or druid in our party's situation. Via Kavan, another Barbarian ghost. 
          • Kavan talks of the Whispering Wall
            • How about CRACK in the WALL here too?!?! Why not many cracks, many walls. Maybe she didn't say "Wall of Mountain" just "WALL" and we interpreted it as mountain. 
      • ?Druids are going to communicate through (THRU ACORN MEDALIAN!) wherever into the cave to the party? Or just through the druid ghost? 
      • ?Cave leads to PORTALS within Ravenloft... maybe various places??
      • Thighbone of Marikovikova first ... since it turns to dust eventually.
        • Maybe have vamp spawn guarding the super loot, use thighbone vs them.
        • but first against ghouls/zombies
    • Two weapons in one, MAYBE make this a 
      • converts between this version and the regular +2 Moon Sickle depending on shape of fungus. So pick during fight.
      • Or maybe have this split into TWO, so you'd have to shelve your shield... unless of course you got the animated shield. ;)
    • Made from weird fungus that looks like bones, it hates undead
    • (when split in two) Doubles dmg on hit and dbl dmg on level 2 and below spells vs. undead (just like the sunsword dbl dmg, hah?!?!)
    • AND/OR ... max dmg on spells twice a day vs. Undead for spell levels 3-6. 
  •  +2 Moon Sickle - for Druid - Thinking, there is a Druid circle in 5e Ravenloft 'Strahd
  • +2 Rod of the Pact Keeper - for Warlock - +2 on "everything" also
  • Animated Shield, always +2 AC (no +3 version) (((Druids can use wooden shields)))
  • Mercile's Animated Shield For Casters (homebrew)
    • My damn homebrew which does give you the +2 AC if you are a wizardy type. 
    • Or just be boring and give +2 or +4 bracers of protection or something I guess. I just read the updated desc which basically says not for pure casters. Why can't you have a pet shield protecting you if you are a magic-user, seems very biased. If that's the case, stop giving all the damn magic casting to the various non-caster classes. Grrr, I'll bias right back. 
      • On 3rd thought, I guess this is just game balance. AC affects every attack forever so... meh. Look at Bracers of defense, only for those NOT wearing any armor or using a shield. 
  • Bonecounter

    Weapon (Mace), rare
    Simple weapon, melee weapon
    4 lb.
    1d6 Bludgeoning

    This weapon is a magical +2 mace called Bonecounter. Whenever this weapon is used to destroy an undead creature, a single silver piece appears in the wielder's pocket.

  • Boots of Elvenkind
  • Ring of cure wounds or something
    • Our version, 5 times per day, 1d8 +2 HP healed. 
  • Bracers of Defense

    Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

    While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class if you are wearing no armor and using no Shield.

  • Staff of Defense - +1 AC, only for Warlock, Wiz, Sorc (attune)
  • White Dragon Cape


    You have resistance to cold damage while wearing this cape.

  • Weapon of Warning

    Generic variant, uncommon (requires attunement)

    As long as this weapon is within your reach and you are attuned to it, you and allies within 30 feet of you gain the following benefits.

    Alarm. The weapon magically awakens each subject who is sleeping naturally when combat begins. This benefit doesn't wake a subject from magically induced sleep.

    Supernatural Readiness. Each subject has Advantage on its Initiative rolls.

    Base items. This item variant can be applied to the following base items:

  • Warrior's Passkey

    Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

    This silver skeleton key is warm to the touch. While holding the key in its key form, you can use an action to cast the Knock spell from the key.

    Transforming the Key. While holding the key, you can use a bonus action to transform it into a magic longsword. You are considered proficient with the sword, and you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. On a hit, the sword deals 1d10 force damage. The item remains in its sword form until it leaves your grasp or you use another bonus action to revert it to its key form.

    If you end your attunement to the item while it's in its sword form, it automatically reverts to its key form.

Warlock Specifically, they list some here:
  • Pearl of Power that lets you regain an expended spell slot as an action – although the new slot is 3rd level if the expended one was of 4th level or higher
  • Warlocks can wear some armor
    • glamoured studded leather – a +1 studded leather with the flavorful feature of letting you change its appearance as a bonus action. Another option is an elven chain, which is a +1 chain shirt that doesn’t require proficiency in medium armor – and would grant you 1 higher AC than a glamoured studded leather unless your Dexterity score is really high for some reason.
      cloak of protection and a ring of protection, both of which gives you a +1 bonus to
  •  AC and saving throws
  • Ring of spell storing
  • An amulet of health is a simple yet incredibly powerful magic item that sets your Constitution score to 19 while wearing it. As you’ll have to prioritize between raising your Charisma score, picking up various cool feats, and, hopefully, also putting a few points into Constitution, Dexterity, and other ability scores that fit your character, an amulet of health is a godsend! Aside from increasing your hit points and freeing up resources for other stuff, a high Constitution score also comes with the added benefit of making you better at concentrating on spells, such as hex!

UPDATE New ones below

  • Stirring Scaled Ornament

    Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

    This ornament can be jewelry, a cloak, or another wearable accessory. It appears to be fashioned from a dragon's scale, tooth, or claw, or it incorporates images in those shapes.

    You gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you can't be charmed or frightened. Moreover, each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you has advantage on saving throws it makes to avoid being charmed or frightened or to end those conditions on itself.

  • Stirring Dragon-Touched Focus

    Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

    This wondrous item can be a scepter, an orb, an amulet, a crystal, or another finely crafted object. It typically incorporates imagery of dragons' wings, claws, teeth, or scales.

    You have advantage on initiative rolls. While you are holding the focus, it can function as a spellcasting focus for all your spells.

    The focus gains an additional property determined by the family of the dragon in whose hoard it became Stirring:

    • Chromatic. Whenever you use a spell slot to cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage, roll a d6, and you gain a bonus equal to the number rolled to one of the spell's damage rolls.

    • Gem. Whenever you use a spell slot to cast a spell, you can immediately teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 15 feet of you.

    • Metallic. When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes a saving throw, you can use your reaction to give that creature advantage on the saving throw.

  • Staff of the Woodlands

    Staff, weapon, rare (requires attunement by a druid)

    • Is pretty cool, it can cast low and two high level spells but also can turn into a tree
      • High level spells are - Awaken and Wall of Thorns
  • Staff of the Rooted Hills

    Staff, weapon, rare (requires attunement)
    Simple weapon, melee weapon

    • Nice. If you hit with it, ONCE per battle, they are restrained by vines till your next turn. 
      • Can also just cast "hold person" aka hold via vines.
      • Speak to plants.
  • Staff of the Forgotten One

    Staff, weapon, artifact (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
    Simple weapon, melee weapon

  • Red Dragon Mask. Its damage type is fire. If you deal fire damage to a creature or flammable object, it starts burning. At the start of each of its turns, a creature burning in this way takes 1d6 fire damage. A creature that can reach the burning target can use an action to extinguish the fire. If you've ever complained that a fireball should set creatures and clothes on fire, this is the mask for you.
  • Staff of Swarming Insects

    Staff, weapon, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
    Simple weapon, melee weapon

D&D Barbarian vs. Exhaustion

Cool trivia: The term 'berserker' translates roughly to "bear shirt" in Old Norse - an apt name considering they often donned bear skins during battle. Wearing animal pelts was considered a ceremonial custom, intending to direct the might and vigor of these mighty animals into the fighters themselves. Via

D&D Barbarian - Exhaustion is an issue

QUICK SUMMARY: Just make Frenzy cost two rages, and ignore all exhaustion. 

The berserker type of Barbarian gets the crazy frenzy (extra attack) during a rage if he wants, but then suffers a level of exhaustion after each frenzy-rage. The Dungeon Dudes said that's the worst subclass of Barbarian... but another new subclass (ice / polar?) gives best options. 

So what's fair? We don't play enough to have a ton of subclasses to deal with (newer subclasses are always cheesier anyway, the buy our new books to get powered up cheese problem)... but we need to make sure the characters are balanced so one character isn't doing 90% of the work. What effect does this have on the way the game is played?

  • players will want to avoid a 2nd and especially a 3rd fight during a single day like crazy
    • then they might as well blow ALL their abilities and spells on one fight, then hide. Is that fun? 
      • That would cause the DM to need to either
        • a. have one big giant scary battle
        • b. don't let them hide, even though they want to... contention
        • c. only have weaker battles after the first battle <--- seems like best option so far

Effects of 5e exhaustion via

Notes to the side are via me. 

Level Effect
1 Disadvantage on ability checks  ((seems fine))
2 Speed halved    ((so that's why they gave the barbarian +10 movement))
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws   ((very bad))
4 Hit point maximum halved  ((very very bad, nobody would frenzy then, right?))
5 Speed reduced to 0 ((you are toast, they are letting you know you overdid it))
6 Death

Note, D&D2024 version of exhaustion is tweaked:

While you have the Exhaustion condition, you experience the following effects.

Exhaustion Levels. This condition is cumulative. Each time you receive it, you gain 1 Exhaustion level. You die if your Exhaustion level is 6.

D20 Tests Affected. When you make a D20 Test, the roll is reduced by 2 times your Exhaustion level.

Speed Reduced. Your Speed is reduced by a number of feet equal to 5 times your Exhaustion level.

Removing Exhaustion Levels. Finishing a Long Rest removes 1 of your Exhaustion levels. When your Exhaustion level reaches 0, the condition ends.

OPTION 1 What does this make me want to do for our own game (homebrew version us)?

  • Maybe... just say nothing happens till exhaustion level 3, then you get hit by all the bad stuff. And let's allow recovering of it to be way better. Let's try
    • half speed
    • disadv attack and other d20
    • LONG rest gets rid of ALL EXHAUSTION
    • SHORT rest gets rid of one level of exhaustion
    • GOODBERRIES get rid of one level of exhaustion

OPTION 2 - OK, winner for me is two levels of rage for one frenzy

This site has some good options to make Frenzy more playable:
He emphasizes that other barbarian types get extra damage for only a bonus slot so.... Anyway, his options are:
  •     Using Frenzy costs an additional Rage, so instead of spending 1 daily Rage usage the player can spend a total of 2 to also activate Frenzy. This makes Frenzy an occasional buff which yields rewards now but strains the player’s limited resources. ((no exhaustion to deal with))
  •     Allow the Berserker to recover from one level of Exhaustion whenever they take a Short Rest. This deters the Berserker from using Frenzy in every encounter, but also curiously makes them immune to the need for food and water. Wizards of the Coast didn’t seem to mind that weird rules hiccup when they introduced Deft Explorer (Tireless) for the Ranger, so there’s some precedent in the official rules.
  •     Limit Frenzy to once per Short Rest. Nice an simple. This keeps Frenzy as an occasional buff rather than a constant improvement to Rage, but it’s accessible often enough that players won’t stress over using it.
  •     Remove the usage limitation entirely. Yes, Frenzy is a 50% damage boost for the Barbarian, but it’s still just an additional weapon attack. Many other barbarian subclasses have similar damage boosts (Zealot’s Divine Fury, Storm Herald’s Storm Aura, Battlerager’s spiked armor attack), and have no limitations beyond the Bonus Action to activate them.
  •     Add a Constitution saving throw at the end of a Frenzy with a DC of 10 + the number of rounds. On a failure, the Berserker suffers one level of Exhaustion. This adds a risk-reward mechanic to each Frenzy, and it encourages the Berserker to end fights quickly or potentially end their Rage early. However, as the Barbarian’s save bonus increases the risk diminishes, so at low levels Frenzy may be very risky, while at high levels it may be little risk at all.

RAGE rules - Consider 

Rage - consider the 2 rage to get Frenzy option from above, then... when to use Rage solo vs when to double Rage to get Frenzy? At char level 6, you get 4 rages per day. 

In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action.

While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren't wearing heavy armor:

• You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.

• When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. This bonus increases as you level.

• You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.

Once you have raged the maximum number of times for your barbarian level, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again. You may rage 2 times at 1st level, 3 at 3rd, 4 at 6th, 5 at 12th, and 6 at 17th.