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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sf6 weird notes- to Negative Edge or not

 . Ken’s dragonlunchmotion kicks are artificially made to not come out as a combo from crouching moves… convenient bcuz 18 to 28 frame startup. 

. Rolls on get up.  You can backroll or get up in place from thrown. Boo.     ,, means if they get up in place very slow looking. If roll, it is just inside of range if ken(me) dashed. 

. Ken is safe after ending crazy kicks, but -12ish if stop midway  

. Bison corner throw  loop… can u rly have time to shimmy? Doubt it, u r +2 after throw dash in… so time to jab yeah but can u get out of range of their jab in 6 or 7 frames (most jabs r 4 or 5 frame start) ???

… so wait, r u supposed to just dash in throw no jab?? Yes i think that is it!!!! But still, where is the shimmy? I guess it ONLY works if they counter throw immediately… so u gotta dash in and immediately throw. Yes. 

. Drive impact is 26 frames, but add extra 6 frames per hit it armors thru.

. Now strikes beat throws on same frame, unlike older sf games. Meaning 4 frame jab v good defense if +1 adv or worse for attacker wanting to tick throw. 

. Strikes… no priority system like sf5 where hk beat mk beat lk stuff, etc. 

. Throws r 5 frame startup and 3 frame active, whiff 30 frames .. for all for all for all.

. Prejump frames = 4 for most all, but = 5 frames Zangief and Lily. Zangief SPD trick, end with UP and delay punch input for a couple of frames. See Vesperarcade for explanation... only one pro good at it. 

. Punish counter (like throws too) create hard.knockdown   .., like vs. parry. 

. Back.rise is rly just 2 buttons, can hold dwn instead of tap if want.

.  Negative edge can be enabled!! It is off by default. Makes wakeups easier, supers easier… but accidental moves also easier ==> Tested, and causes Bison problems b/c Cr.MP->crusher overlaps with Cr.MP->scissors too much, it's like 50/50 which one you get. 


So where is Bison, but they have Akuma in this b4 game release artwork. 

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