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Thursday, August 1, 2024

SF6 - Street Fighter 6, It's On! Bison is my man.

First impressions:

  • Bison is nice and aggressive once again, I like it! 
    • GREAT guide on "most important" thing on Bison:
      • basically... cr.lp, cr.lp, lk-scissors... over and over. 
        • When it hits you are +2. Options are to try for:
          • Throw
          • cr.strong into combo
          • repeat cr.lp, cr.lp, sciss
          • wait and let them whiff big move b/c bison does BIG dmg on punish counters
          • shimmy
      • Knock them down, then parry-rush-dash in, EVIL-KNEE (back HK) for +5 on block!
      • Corner throw loop.
        • throw, dash, you are +2... throw again or meaty cr.jab. It'll time it all perfectly.
          • cannot shimmy tho. 
    • His cr.HP is better than SFV.
    • His pressure with normals is much less awesome, but it's fine. 
    • +1 Back+HP I think. (+1...+3 on the URL below, what does that mean?). 
      • Confusing listing, b/c his Bomb gives him more positive frames(((UPDATE: Bomb only gives more positive on special moves))). So does that mean it's either X or Y on these listings... or could some be a graduation inbetween?
      • UPDATE: If they show +1... the dots indicate a graduation after that, but they maybe don't know exactly the limit yet if no ending +number. 
      • Need to test psycho crusher max range, cuz we don't think it's negative or unsafe at least. 
    • +1 Back+HK EvilKnee thing. It says always +1 so... I guess nothing to do with bomb!
    • No other positive normal moves?!
    • OD (EX) headpress is + on block a lot, +5...+7
    • Bomb Positive will be in parenthesis on the ultimateframedata site.  
      • Backfist is +6  after bomb
      • Many things are +6 after bomb
    • Scissors are more easily punished than in SFV... but not horrible so far. 
      • -5, -5, -4 (+6 after bomb)
    • Startup Fastest moves are -- cr.LP and st.LK, 4 frame start for both. 
    • ...
    • ...
    • Nemo did a weird ground bounce off the 2nd hit of an EX (OD) Backfist bomb move... it was very late and very far from where he originally hit them, match was from like 7-31-24 or something. Nemo vs. ... ... 
    • Cr.HP into Backfist for juggle.
      • Even the 2nd hit will juggle, ... INTO lvl3 SUPER
    • After plant bomb:
      • Run with parry dash
      • Overhead
      • Cr.MP
      • EX psychocrusher (it'llb e safe no matter)
      • If hit, 
        • Juggle with Psycho Crusher
        • lvl3 SUPER
    • After EX Scissors
      • Back+HP juggle
      • Lvl3 Super
  • What is the deal with Drive Impact? OMG, Day 1 Drive Impact is awful. Thanks to VesperArcade though, it will one day be manageable. Need to recognize every single version of it, so you can react in a sort of split second (26 or 28 frames or something). 
    • The players that don't really understand basics, can nuke you with the drive impact on defense thing, where you attack them, and suddenly you get a 50% damage 100 hit combo delivered to your nads. 
    • The answer is... 
      • DI their DI. 
      • Or jump in attack, jab jab jab... 3 hits will knock it out of it's armor. 
      • Or jump attack, jump again (Blanka style)
      • Or slide under (luck) Blanka
      • Or throw them
  • Rashid's 
    • jumping fierce is FUNKY, you bounce up... sometimes?. 
      • If hits, you can do another air attack... VERY positive if it hits while he is in air. 
    • +1 for the MP (the neutral elbow thing) 
    • +1 for the cr.MP
    • -1 for cr.LK and cr.LP
    • Startup Fastest moves are st.LP and st.LK, 4 frame startup. 
  • Jaime is so low dmg before drinks, it's insane. So tempting to waste time/life to power up with drinks. Gets me killed a lot.
    • STOP doing full Fei Long rekkas... just one rekka, then hold fwd and K or P. I keep getting supers on accident. 

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