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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

SF6, still hating DI (Drive Impact)

Personally, it gets on my nerves bad. Using heavy normals just leads to them getting a 40% combo on the attacker. So I guess never use heavy hitting normals?? Platinum level mostly right now. It's hilarious though, because fighting Diamonds is usually much easier since they avoid DI, expecting everyone to counter-DI.

People are saying, don't use heavies... use light or medium b/c they "cancel into DI like a special move". 

This guy describes it as... don't just go through a blockstring, wait between: "You’re mashing, likely, which is why you can’t react, because even if you do react in time another input you mashed is taking priority.

The big hurdle with DI is learning to confirm into your strings rather than mashing them out every time even on block. That’s hilariously easy to DIY through."

Part of it is just the messy screen that is SF6... what's up with all the Splatoon goo everywhere, my God, and the DI thing just makes it worse? Look at this screenshot... what is actually going on here?

The next picture isn't much cleaner:

If you keep eating DI when doing the cr. MK into hadoken try baiting out the DI by doing cr. light kick without the hadoken. If they take the bait and do a DI you can hold block while mashing DI! And if you don’t mash DI fast enough you’ll block and stay safe :)
Other says:

Lowforward into fireball depending on fireball strength, has a di able gap, so thats a good point to expect a di

Diamond 5 guy says:

This is really the reason, I am at diamond 5 almost at masters and I have a 74% winrate with DJ. I only react to drive impact in two situations, when I throw out a cancellable normal which hits their drive impact (in which case its really easy to react), or when I devote all my mental power to countering drive impact (due to either my opponent keeps abusing it or I am in the corner). I don't think anyones reaction is that good to always counter it, people just specifically look for it.

Holaskink via says:

Blocking it is not the worst option. It’s not great, but a lot of times it’s the only option. Parrying it is better. For me it’s more reliable than counter di. But if you’re already using a cancelable normal and your opponent DIs into it, it’s best to cancel into DI. The more you use your buttons the more comfortable you will get with cancel windows. If you see your opponent di a string, don’t autopilot your cancel. You will get better at this with more experience. If you cancel into drive rush I find that the screen freeze gives me more time to DI. You might notice this in your own games when you try to di someone going green. It’s much more reliable. Also, you can throw. If you know your opponent likes to mash DI, try tic throwing them.

And paqman3d:

I got DI'ed to hell in silver and didn't get the psychology behind it until around Gold.

Key thing is if they DI'ed you once, they're doing it again because obviously you can't defend it lol. I play hella defensive, and the quickest way to open me up is DI after I block a few times, because I think it's okay to press a button.

So if I'm not paying much attention, I get smacked. Here's what I do once I get hit with one DI:

My entire finger positioning on my stick changes so I only use light attacks with my index finger (LP) and thumb (LK). My pinky hovers over Parry and my ring finger is on tap over DI. This removes me even THINKING about medium and heavies. You can easily cancel light attacks into DI for a cheeky counter.

If you're busy throwing out Heavy Punch, you won't have the time to recover/cancel and counter. I learned this by seemingly reacting ON TIME with the input, but my Guile was still swinging a damn punch. So I had the correct timing, just with the wrong situation.

Bait them into it with some lame ass jab-jab-jab pokes. I swear by the fourth jab they're going to either throw you or DI. Now you're ready for it. Nothing gets me hype than a last second DI counter in slow motion.

Also, just basic parry is underrated when it comes to DI defense, especially in the corner. Somedays I'm too lazy to line up a DI counter lol. Now, you may still get thrown (lmao) but I'd take that over stun.

Lastly, set your training dummy up to randomly DI after you attack. I spent 2 hours one day just countering that, and it helped immensely. You can see which of your moves are more "DI-able" that way and take note not to use those in close range in a match if you think a DI may happen. It took me until Plat to realize me throwing a Sonic Boom up close is asking for a DI

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