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Friday, March 7, 2025

Sticks to Snakes - favorite old spell. Druid should get it! And Heat Metal was No Concentration back then. and

Sticks to Snakes!

I always loved the way it looked in the Tower of Doom arcade game. And the DnD folks must have gotten inspired by the old Ten Commandments movie about Moses, with Charlton Heston.

In oldest DnD, 

Cleric got it for a lvl 4 and Druid for a level 5. Was a 50% chance to be a venomous snake, and they got 2d8 snakes. Constricting or venomous snakes possible. 

In ADnD, Cleric for lvl 4 spell, Druid lvl 5 spell (but more range).  

Transforms one stick in the area to a snake per caster level. Any non-magical piece of wood can be considered a "stick" for the purposes of this spell. The snake has a 5% chance of being venomous per caster level. The snakes are under the caster's command.

Reverse - Turns 1 snake per level into an inert stick of wood. The reverse can also be cast to negate the original.

The RULES CYCLOPEDIA version states:

Sticks to Snakes (lvl 4 for clerics)
Range: 120' Duration: 6 turns Effect: Up to 16 sticks

This spell turns 2d8 sticks into snakes (detailed below). The snakes may be poisonous (50% chance per snake; the DM can roll 1d6 for each snake; on a roll of 1-3, the snake is poisonous). They obey the cleric's commands, but will turn back into sticks when slain or when the spell's duration ends.

Snakes: NA 2d8 (2d8); AC 6, HD 1; AT 1 bite; Dmg 1d4; MV 90' (30'); Save Fl; ML 12; TT Nil; AL Neutral; SA poison (50% chance for each snake to be poisonous); XP 10 (nonpoisonous) or 13 (poisonous)

For 5e, Third Party SRD for 5e:

MY NOTES: Swarm of is easy to calc. Maybe give option for 2d8 constricting snakes instead. Check out the RITUAL option, so free use!?

Sticks to Snakes

4th-level transmutation (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a handful of sticks)

Duration: concentration, up to 1 hour


You transform a bundle of sticks into a swarm of poisonous snakes. The swarm turns back into sticks when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The summoned swarm is friendly to you and your companions. The swarm has its own turn, which immediately follows your own on the initiative order. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to it, the swarm defends itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise takes no actions. The GM has the creatures’ statistics.

Heat Metal (Second Level Druidic Spell)

Range: 30' Duration: 7 rounds

Effect: Warms one metal object

This spell causes one object to slowly heat and then cool. It will affect one metal item weighing up to one-half pound (5 cn) per level of the caster. A 12th level druid, for example, can heat up to 6 pounds (60 cn—a normal sword, for instance), while a 20th level druid can heat 10 pounds (100 cn—for example, a two-handed sword).

The heat causes no damage to magical items. Normal weapons or other items may be severely damaged, especially if made of both wood and metal (as a normal lance), as the wood will burn away at the point of contact with metal.

If the object is being held when heated, the heat causes damage to the holder: 1 point of damage during the first round, 2 points in the second, 4 points in the third, 8 points in the fourth, and then decreasing at the same rate (for a total of 22 points of heat damage over seven rounds). In the fourth round, the searing heat will cause leather, wood, paper, and other flammable objects in contact with the metal to catch fire.

The holder gets no saving throw, but fire resistance negates all damage. The character can drop the item at any time, of course, and creatures of low intelligence are 80% likely to do so (check each round).

Once the spell has been cast, the druid no longer needs to concentrate; the heating and cooling proceed automatically. A dispel magic can stop the effect, but normal means (immersion in water, etc.) will not.

If the spell is used on an item imbedded in an opponent (such as an arrow or dagger), the opponent may remove the item but loses initiative for that round (and takes the appropriate heat damage for that round as well).

Heat damage disrupts concentration; the victim cannot cast spells during any round in which he sustains damage from this spell.

EARTH MAW for Druids from 2nd ed.

Earthmaw (Alteration) [4th level spell]

Sphere: Elemental (earth) Range:50 yards Components V, S, M Duration: 1round Casting T i e : 7 Area of Effect:10-footdiameter circle yving Throw: Neg.

Earthmaw causes a patch of ground 10 feet in diameter to open and form a gigantic mouth with stalactite teeth. The mouth springs forth on a short serpentine neck, much like a water weird, and attacks once in a direction the caster dictates. Then it retracts intothe earth and closes solidly.The site of an earthmaw spell appears as if the ground has beentilled recently

The mouth can attack one large creature,
twoman-sized creatures, or four small-sized creatures within 10feet of its outer edge. It can strike multiple creatures only if they remain clustered within a 10-foot diameter circle adjacent to the maw.

The earthmaw attacks as a monster with Hit Dice equal to the caster’s level. Creatures standing on the site of the maw suffer a
+3 penalty to Armor Class for purposes of this attack only. Creatures standing next to the maw suffer noAC penalty.

A successfulhit inflicts ld4 points of damage per level of the caster.
An unmodified roll of 19or 20 means the maw hasswallowedthe victim whole, burying the character 2d4 feet below ground.Victimscan be dug out manually, with appropriatespells (suchas dig), or with magical items (suchas a spadeofcolossal excavation). A creature trapped underground will suffocateunless freed withinanumber of rounds equal to one-third its Constitution

Earthmaw may be cast on any area of loose or packed earth, sand, or vegetation-covered soil.It may be cast indoors on an earthen surface:for example, on the dirtfloor of a barn or basement, but not on the marble floor of a home or temple. It may not be cast on an area containinga tree,any portion of abuildin any type of pavement.

An object present on the site of the m (such as a campfireor a tent, etc.) counts as a creatureof that object’s size in attacks.

The material component is a tooth from any predatory creature

Needlestorm(Alteration) [4th level spell for druid]
MY NOTES for a 5e version: Area probably 15' radius or 30 foot square. Probably make it 4d12, then u get that nice extra d12 when upcasting. Need to check balancing factors. Make it ONLY in woods, nah, how about 4d12+4 in woods, and 3d12 inside (tree or no tree there)??? Does piercing dmg so....
COMPARE to 3d10 call lightning at level 3 (4d10 during storm), but it can recast infinite, so this needs to do way more dmg. 6d10 outside at level 5, infinite casts. 
COMPARE to 8d6 fireball at level 3, 9d6 at level 4, 10 d6 at level 5. 

Sphere: Plant Range:
60yards Components: V, S, M hation: Instantaneous Casting T i e : 7 Area of Effect: 1tree or plant SavingThrow: Savevs. spell forhalfdamage

A favoriteof cold-fomstand desert druids, needlestorm causes the spines on any pine trre or similar needle-bearing plantto spray out in a deadly barrage. The shower of needles has a radius of approximately1footfor every

2feet of the subjectplant's height.

Everyone within this area suffers one attack,
which inflicts ld12pointsof damage for every three full levels the caster has achieved. Thus, a spruce tree enchanted by a 7th-levelcharacter attackswith a THACO of 16and inflicts2d12pointsof damage.

The materialcomponent is
a spine from a needle-bearing treeor plant

Tower of Doom Aracade D&D

This site is GREAT for this/these games.

The Arch-Lich, Deimos:

  1. Minions. Think MUD GOLEMS of the arcade Tower of Doom Lich, Demeos. 
    2. Spells from arcade:
      1. Animate Dead
      2. Conjure Mud Golem
      3. Fire Ball
      4. Lightning Bolt
      5. Meteor Swarm
      6. Mirror Image
      7. Teleport
      8. Wall of Fire
Check out Polymorph Others, the graphics have animal heads in them.. I see a wolf and maybe snake:

Power Word Kill (Lich fight) interactions

Party could use:

  1. Death Ward will protect from PWKill. 
  2. Aid spell, 5 HP per level cast at. 
  3. Barb to grapple.
  4. Counterspell
  5. Heal (keep party above 100 HP)

Lich could use (outside of PWKill):

  1. Contingency spells, lots. 
  2. Lots of his own magic items to help him. 
  3. Minions. Think MUD GOLEMS of the arcade Tower of Doom Lich, Demeos. 
    2. Spells from arcade:
      1. Animate Dead
      2. Conjure Mud Golem
      3. Fire Ball
      4. Lightning Bolt
      5. Meteor Swarm
      6. Mirror Image
      7. Teleport
      8. Wall of Fire

 Just whipping out a PWK and striking a player dead with no warning isn't terribly fun, if admittedly dramatic and maybe not a huge deal if the players have clerics (though the Lich would be smart enough to try and hit those first.)

But, if you foreshadow it - maybe terrified and cowed people who have surrendered to him, or one of his fanatic lieutenants speak of how he can strike all but the hardiest of warriors dead with but a single word, and if they're newer players maybe even pull back the DM veil to inform them roughly how it works as they research this ability. Now it goes from something just killing a player out of the blue, to something they can try and prepare for by doing things like:

  • Maybe they beg a favor from a priest they helped earlier for a Death Ward on one of their most vulnerable members, or cast their own

  • Upcast Aid to give them more of a buffer so the frontliners can take damage and still be safe, or the spellcasters are safe themselves

  • Keep the tanky Barbarian in the Lich's face grappling him while the frailer party members make sure to take cover on their turns (truesight lets the Lich see through invisibility and illusions and into the ethereal plane, but not through walls, and he has to see them to PWK them)

  • If they have multiple spellcasters who can, save their reactions to spam counterspell

  • The cleric knows to save their 6th level slot for Heal if the front-liners drop under 100HP

Now it's an actual challenge to plan around, instead of something that just happens and takes out a player.   

Thursday, March 6, 2025 and basic rules Shadowdark

 Quick generate new chars for that game. 

See d20play yt “ how to run shadow dark lost citadel of the scarlet Minotaur“

Time 1:23, has best summary of enemy reqction check, morale rules, and ability checks (no skill checks). 

Reaction check/ Morale rules bcuz wanna avoid fights mostly. 


2d6 + CHA modifier (if party gets to immed interact to influence monsters)

0-6 is hostile

7-8 is suspicious 

9 neutral 

10-11 curious

12+ friendly


Monsters to half their ranks, or half hp if solo, flee if fail DC 15 WIS check. If lrg grp, use leaders Wisdom check. 

Difficulty Class

Easy, dc 9, leaping narrow chasm, sneaking up on unattentive guard.  

Normal dc 12

Hard dc 15

Extreme dc 18

Fantasy Books or Other that influences D&D DMs

Interesting lists. 

 art of Larry Elmore

-Prydain Chronicles
-The Sorcerer’s Scrapbook (best kid’s book of all time IMO)
-The Hobbit
-Fire Sea (part of a -7 part series written by Hickman and Weis but this was book 3 which I bought at an airport to read on the plane)
Edit: The Last Unicorn

Clark Ashton Smith: If there is one author from the AD&D Appendix N

The Blue Sword; The Hero and the Crown by Robin Mckinley

-The Belgariad by David Eddings
-The Blue Sword; The Hero and the Crown by Robin Mckinley
-The Saga of Pliocene Exile by Julian May (psionics!)
-The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
-Sailor Moon
-Mage: The Ascension
-The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie
-The Wandering Inn

A Wizard of Earthsea

Ignoring the limit, here are some less important honorable mentions:
Neverending Story
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Jason and the Argonauts (Harryhausen)
Clash of the Titans (Harryhausen)
The Raven (movie)
Flight of Dragons
Mysterious Cities of Gold

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

CoS Dark Gifts Scenes - I think it looks/plays out like this


The Dark Gifts are the powerful but possibly corrupting forces. Do you have to use them to beat Strahd? Is it worth your soul? O_o

Seeing an Amber Sarcophagus for the first time:

"You look closer at the weird giant block of amber, shaped almost like a mummy sarcophagus. You [The Party] feel a truly vile and evil presence there in the amber the closer you get... it's POWERFUL... you feel cold and slightly nauseated, yet excited and energetic. Looking closer, you can make out an utterly black thing... your stomach suddenly feels like you are falling off a cliff... what is that THING, a small sliver of? A wisp of black liquid-smoke, no but it's something floating in the amber... a shard of black crystal? Every time you look at it from a different angle it seems to change slightly, it's very hard to focus on clearly. "

(see PDF pg. 192). [[[An amber sarcophagus looks like a rough block of solid amber (8 feet tall, feet wide, and feet thick). Trapped inside the block is a sliver or wisp of utter darkness no more than a few inches long.  The darkness is the vestige of a dead and hateful evil diety thing]]]. 

You touch the amber sarcophagus? Your knees feel weak and a presence enters your consciousness. It speaks, no not speak, it communicates to you and your mind converts it to words. It tells you ".......". 


Other Dark Gifts dialogue if you want (probably gonna tweak anyhow):


The Dark Gifts probably worth taking (if the DM is nice and doesn't make you as gross):

  1. Seriach, the Hell Hound Whisperer. Seriach's gift is the power to summon and control hell hounds. As an action, the beneficiary of this dark gift can summon and cont.rot two hell hounds. Both hounds appear at the same time. The beneficiary can summon hounds only once, and the dark . gift vanishes when they die.

    The beneficiary gains the ability to speak and understand Infernal; if he of she doesn't already know the language. (The hell hounds understand no other language.)

    _ Sulfurous smoke issues from the beneficiary's pores whenever he or she speaks Infernal.

      • CALM YET COMMANDING: "I offer you the power to command lesser beasts from the abyss by word alone; the power you shall speak is the power over hell's own dogs!" 

  1. East Sarcophagus. Dark gift of Dahlver-Nar, He of the Many Teeth. Dahlver-Nar's gift is the power to live many lives. Upon receiving this dark gift, the beneficiary instantly reincarnates when it dies, as though reincarnate spell. The new body appears within 10 feet of the old one. After it has been used three times, the dark gift vanishes. The beneficiary of this dark gift loses all of its teeth [[[maybe 3 teeth, one comes back per reincarn.]]] until it reincarnates for the third and final time.

      • REVERBERATIONS, LIKE ECHOS IN THE VOICE or MANY GHOSTLY VOICES AS ONE:    “How few lives you have lived, not even one whole. And there will be NO more for you, unless you accept this gift. I can offer you a glimpse of immortality, if just a taste. My power is the ultimate one for you of the dangerous life of an adventurer. Have you wisdom? Then might you accept? Dahlver-Nar, He of the Many Teeth has pronounced it, but The decision is your own. ” 

  1. North Sarcophagus. Drizlash, the Nine-Eyed Spider. Drizlash's gift is the power to walk on walls and ceilings. This dark gift allows its beneficiary to climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. The beneficiary of this dark gift grows an extra eye somewhere on its body. The eye is blind and ever open.Zantras, the Kingmaker.

A CREAKY DEEP INSECTOID DEMONIC VOICE: "They call me Drizlash the nine-eyed Spider, and my children may go where they please. An adventurer of caverns and dungeons would be very wise to consider my gift. I would deliver to thee not a boon of sight nor soul, yet the power of the spider to climb shall be your own. Do you accept?" 

  1. Zantras the Kingmaker's gift is power that comes from great presence and force of personality. This dark gift increases the beneficiary's Charisma by 4, up to a maximum of 22. The beneficiary of this dark gift gains the following . flaw: "I won't take no for an answer." ·.

NEUTRAL SOUNDING VOICE: "Kings... I have made many. Warlocks and Sorcerers would be wise to trust me. You can be better than you are - others will be drawn to you, more power will be yours. Why not take it? We many linger here, tired in our ageless existence... hear me, mortal, heed me mortal, you must prosper. Take the gift, your mortal body shall not falter in the taking." 

  1.   Tarakamedes, the Grave Wyrm. Tarakamedes's gift is the power of flight. The beneficiary of this dark gift grows skeletal wings and gains a flying speed of 50 feet. The beneficiary of this dark gift must eat bones or grave dirt to survive. At dawn, if the creature has not eaten at least 1 pound of bones or grave dirt... in the past- 24 hours, it dies.

DEEP DRAGON VOICE: Tarakamedes some call me, mortal... I am the Grave Wyrm, dust and bone, bone and dust,... no matter. You are mortal as those others. Like they, you walk on two legs nimbly. Yet even insects can reach for the heavens with their powers of flight. To my offer you must abide, lest you never soar above all with thine own wings. 'Tis a simple thing of thew or bone."

  1. North Sarcophagus. The vestige within this sarcophagus offers the dark gift ofYrrga, the Eye of Shadows. Yrrga's gift is the power of true seeing. This dark gift grants its beneficiary the benefits of truesight out to a range of 60 feet. These benefits last for 30 days, after which the dark gift vanishes.

    The eyes of the beneficiary become starry voids until the dark gift vanishes. The beneficiary of this dark gift also gains the following flaw: "I believe that all life is pointless and look.forward to death when it finally comes."

"Cut darkness, cut light. See enemy, see friend, see truth, and  yes... see yourself. Accept my gift. " 

  1.   Great Taar Haak, the FiveHeaded Destroyer. Taar Haak's gift is great strength. This dark gift grants its beneficiary the benefit of a belt offire giant strength. This benefit lasts for 10 days, after which the dark gift vanishes.

    The beneficiary of this dark gift the following flaw:

    "I like to bully others and make them feel weak and inferior.

"Strength of body is what you seek? Yes... yes... I give it easily. Accept this gift, it's as simple as that."  

  1.   Norganas, the Finger of Oblivion. Norganas's gift is the power to turn life into undeath. This dark gift allows its beneficiary to cast the finger ofdeath spell as an action. After it has been used three times, the dark gift vanishes. When it vanishes, the beneficiary must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or drop to O hit points.

    This dark gift turns the beneficiary's blood pitch black and viscid, like tar.

 "Many names have I, but Norganas, the Finger of Oblivion by which mortals know me. A single finger and a single word of power,... ... the true word of death. Take my gift so that your foes might suffer this fell word of power, yet know that with this power comes a *binding*."


  • OFFICIAL: Can never get same dark gift twice. 
  • MOST PPL SAY: Can only do one gift at a time, for fairness(?) sake. One guy went evil and definitely got them all.
  • I SAY: One at a time is enough, don't become gross. 
  • I SAY: Why aren't there any existing beings that exhibit ANY of those properties?
    • What about the evil apprentice still hanging out, is he there with the party? 

WORDS: NAUSea related to ArgoNAUTs, related to NAUTical

Entymology of Argonauts:

 Latin Argonautes, from Greek Argonautēs, from Argō, ship in which the Argonauts sailed + nautēs sailor — more at nautical



From Latin nauseare (to be seasick), from Greek nausea, from naus (ship). Earliest documented use: 1625. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Amber Temple Loot - Change - Psychic Lance Scroll instead of wall of fire

Give Psychic Lance Scroll (UA version does 10d6 instead of 7d6) instead of Wall of Fire Scroll. Something NEW. And it'd be VERY good against the Arcanaloth, which is going to be a beast otherwise.

Staff of Frost - Nice. He got it. 

DONT NEED FOR THE KID, NEED FOR ME: Bracers Defense, +2AC if no shield & no "armor". I guess the warlock has armor so....

9th-11th level adventure: consider Dead in Thay, or Against the Giants, in Tales from the Yawning Portal

Dead in Thay 
  • 9th - 11th level
  • has the Doomvault. So it's a big super dungeon. And it's in Forgotten Realms by default. 
  • How Long: Pg 109 to 163. About 55 pages. Compare to Sunless Citadel which was about 22 pages. 

This adventure takes place in the Doomvault. It is designed for 9th-level characters. By the end of the story, they are likely to advance to 11th level or perhaps higher ... if they don't end up dead in Thay.

Over the course of the adventure, the characters try to accomplish the following tasks:

Explore the Doomvault and deal as much damage to the Thayans as possible.

Learn how to access the Phylactery Vault, and destroy the phylacteries within it.

The villains' goals are straightforward: defend the Doomvault and kill the intruders. Not all of the characters' potential foes share these goals, so the opportunity exists to turn enemies into allies, or at least useful tools.

Against the Giants
  • 11th level to start. 
  • It's THREE adventures tied into one. So maybe JUST DO ONE? 
  • I think someone gave it weak reviews
  • Lots and lots and lots of giants. All giants. Maybe not my thing. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

He'll Heal his Heel, Amber Temple

The stuff on the SouthWest corner, the berserkers were no problem. 

 X17 ok, the 3 flameskulls, made it past that. Flameskulls rolled terrible on init, so the elf NPC didn't die. Then again, he was always going to counterspell. 

Found some great loot - I'm not doing the "you go insane from touching the frost staff/game over" stuff. 

Hints dropped to avoid the Main Room with the giant statue (Arcanaloth), b/c that is a TPK if he went there first before killing flameskulls. BTW, since the kid faced flameskulls early on (like level 2 and 3 way back when), his characters would know exactly how to deal with them after studying up. Reminded to use that holy water he got from the churches (he indeed did ask for some). 

What's next? He looked around the left side just a tad, got the super Tome of +2 Wisdom... went downstairs... a spectre a single one is about to attack. We'll roll init next time. 

Amber Temple Nothics, how would they act?

 CoS book says they don't attack unless attacked. Use their weird insight ability.

Noticed that they have Truesight, so they'd know the Arcanaloth even if it were trying to be disguised. Their INT is 13, but they are insane, so would they give away the Arcanaloth? They mostly covet magical things and knowledge... but they are the old wizards from way back when (original wizards or visitors since?), so if original, how much knowledge is missing vs. they have learned? I guess always room to learn. 

Amber Temple in CoS, this ElfTower has the BEST summary

BTW, Druid/Warlock stuff for the kid

      • Level 9 Druids get Greater Restoration, spell level 5. Kid is almost there!! 
        •  (can summon a fire elemental at level 9)
        • Can Wildshape into giant scorp at lvl 9
      • Level 10 Druid - can become a fire elemental. 
      • Level 9 Warlock gets another invocation.
        • Pact of Tome -> Book of Secrets
          • Record all those ritual magics from the many books in Amber Temple



  • *** I think potions of temp HP pop up? Before enter triple flameskulls. ?? 
    • Maybe with counterspell, via Kasimir, it'll be OK, barely. He's going to go unconcious from 2 fireballs tho probably. 
  •     Deathslaad useful spell links from statblock page:
    • Cloudkill is dangerous in close quarters! It will keep doing dmg each round!

BTW, he made many custom One-Shots, levels 3-10 variety:

Very helpful for a DM/for our campaign. 

Summarizes the actual "gotchas", and Dark Gift gotchas that COULD "break" the whole game. I mean I guess... but if the kid wanted to do something crazy like rez some super strong dead guy, why not let him? Mostly in normal parties of 4 actual players, turning evil (playing by the book on dark gifts) could be bad, sure. Still, awesome analysis, WAAY better than anything up to that point. 


=======OTHER USEFUL BELOW==========

    • Calc HP here -
    • Good describe of 5e's low AC to allow lower level monsters to still hurt you (Dark Souls style)

    • Dark Powers and Amber Vestiges are the same thing. 
      • The dark powers and amber vestiges are in fact one and the same according to the designers. In the adventure the house of lament, a new vestige is found in an amber monolith in the basement of the house.The adventure tells you to "use the Entity as a lurking manifestation of the Dark Powers, a vague glimpse of a terror even the house’s spirits fear.". So it's even more clear now that they are the same. Even the mara the ghost thinks that this entity can free her from the house as a manifestation of the dark powers.

      Saturday, March 1, 2025

      CoS NEXTTIME and LASTTIME with the Amber Temple Day 1 tiptoeing in - our campaign

      LAST TIME:

       The kid has the friendly dusk elf wizard (level 9) following him in, helping. Kasimir. 

      BTW, so hard to find/missing statblocks in the PDF, maybe it's an errored PDF version, so use these:

      Kid went in side entrance, avoiding the Arcanaloth so far. Berserkers, etc. went down fairly easily (fb and spiked growth + eldrich blast push pull drop), but used one fireball from Elf NPC helper guy already. 

      NEXT TIME, maybe:

      1. Arcanaloth - jackal head fiend. 
      a. Finger of Death - make sure you only go to 0, do not die die, b/c once zombie, all over. 
      b. Likes to negotiate, super ultra greedy for knowledge n power. 
      c. Runs when 50% ish health. But stays in temple and (probably) attacks again later, wants their stuff, eh?
      1.5. Finger of Death, how's it work: REsurrect? Rivify? Worse than disintegrate (kinda but can become enemy)?