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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"RPG Overviews" on yt, "Thrilling Suspense Fantasy" on yt

 Rpg guy had fun 1980s movies. Like this "Devil's Sword", and he pointed out this great DnDesque scene where they find the sword. It's good cheesey B movie fun:

Thrilling guy reads books and has general feel style etc right on the load screen as a summary for me to have interest or not. 

Sing a Last Song of Valdese… is Conan w a little Elric. "a tale of Kane by Karl Edward Wagner"   

I'm confused, goodreads gives this:

UPDATE: OK, this Karl Edward Wagner guy ... Tennessee Psychiatrist in the 1970s (dislike medical field) turned to being an author. Died at 48 from alcoholism. So Steven King and this guy were both alcoholics. Wagner did write horror along with pulp fantasy, references to Conan era stuff in widipedia, etc. 

"Some of Wagner's work is set in Robert E. Howard's universe (featuring Conan the Barbarian and Bran Mak Morn); he also edited three volumes of Howard's original Conan tales, important to purists for being the first to restore the texts to their originally published forms."

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