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Friday, June 21, 2024

SF6 - Driver Reversal is maybe like a Dark Stalkers block into DP reversal.

He says:
A Comprehensive Introduction to Drive Reversal

Drive Reversal allows you to interrupt an opponent‘s pressure by bursting out of block stun with a counterattack. To perform it:

Classic Controls: Forward + HP + HK
Modern Controls: Forward + LB/L1

Key Traits:Bursts out of opponent‘s block strings
Counters direct attacks only
Ground and air versions
Pushes opponent away
Minor white damage dealt
Uses 2 Drive Gauge bars

Startup: 13 Frames
Active: 24 Frames
Recovery: 33 Frames

Total: 70 Frames

Another way to say it:

What is Drive Reversal?

When you are blocking attacks, perhaps in a corner as your opponent relentlessly mashes attacks, then from Back (block), hit Forward and both HP + HK all together. Your character will then break their block stance and perform a single, hard-hitting strike. Should this connect with your opponent while they are in the middle of a move, it will force through their attack and shove them backward. Giving you a breath of air and some space to play with.

It's all the yellow and blue goop:

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