Let's just say, ouch. So as a sub-dungeon, my own tangential story in CoStrahd, we had this dungeon that lead to an undead area. There was a miniboss fight at the end, and I envisioned a couple of things, but the Beholder-zombie was definitely the main course... as denoted by the foreshadowing symbol on the final door, described as "What looks like a cyclops skull sitting on a bed of snakes or something, hard to make out"... yeah, that's our beholder zombie, heh.
[[SIDENOTE, I'm reading on BlackCitadel that beholders can fly up 120 ft. ... really? Reading the description it says "floats like a levitate spell" and I know levitate canNOT fly UP. The old arcade games... don't think it ever flew up high, right? If it can fly that high though, that does change things, but too late for this beholder-zombie who wasn't smart enough to do it maybe. https://blackcitadelrpg.com/beholder-5e/
and these also say full beholders make tunnels in ceiling and fly up up up https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/comments/m1ko35/lets_talk_about_beholders/]]
The minibosses were:
- Wight as the brains of the outfit, sort of the boss (buffed up a tiny bit, dark energy bow).
- Skeletal Equiceph, we love the look (sort of using the 5e skeletal minotaur stats, but 10 ft range, and 2d6+4 dmg).
- Skeletal Minotaur, had the mini, wanted it to feel like variety, 4 different undead champions, let's go.
- Beholder Zombie is the real treat, I mean threat, here. ;)
- Barb - runs in
- The Wight - shoots his longbow and runs to the side (my kid is great at AoE). Does 3 or 4 HP of dmg to the Barbarian .
- Druid's turn - sure enough, he just learned firewall and blam... b/c of my jacked up dungeon being cramped due to big 10ft x 10ft baddies and using the puzzle-pieces from the DnD Boardgames, all my dudes had been in a nearly straight line. Good for the kid for recognizing a weakness. And well, he nailed I think only 2 of them since the Wight was able to run off to the side and the minotaur.skellie was just barely over to the side enough. Rolls nice damage, maybe 37 dmg or something.
- Beholder.zombie - Disintegration ray! How or more like Why did I do this? Well my beholder.z for a moment seemed like he was going to be down to below half hitpoints due to the kid saying he did like 48 dmg (then cauhgt his mistake) so I was in a slight panic that it'd get to do nothing. I reread the "random eye beam" and for a split second thought, maybe I should be rolling a d4, but I don't see that explicitly, so heck, I'll just pick random beams. Gotta be Disintegrate! The barbarian has advantage on dex rolls and a +2 Dex so, he'll make it... needed a 12 on the d20, kid got an 11. O_o I roll (on the main table still, not behind the screen like I often do... this is curse of Strahd and the kid knows it's deadly) well above avg on the huge 10d8, getting a 55 or better. Barbarian down to hardly anything. Shortly after I reread disintegrate and see (remember) it'll turn you to dust if it brings you to 0 HP. Oh boy, that was a close one.
- And then I realize the two giant skeletons are right next to the barb. Oh boy oh boy-oh-boy-oh-boy, in the Scooby voice.
- Warlock - hits the skeletal horsehead hard, but it's still standing at 5 HP.
- Skeletal Equiceph - Was hit by firewall and warlock so down to 5 HP. I was planning on mostly using the minotaur.skellie stats. I look, OMG the dmg. Well this guy has 10 foot reach, so he's gonna be doing less dmg, we'll say 2d6 instead of 2d12. Roll... too much damage. OK phew phew, half damage on the barb (I seriously forgot in that moment). But wait... whose next....
- Minotaur skeleton - I read his dmg again. Ruh roh, Raggy. Dude hits hard. Roll, hit... I get a 10 + 9 on the two d12 dice... ouch, plus a lot. Barb is down, and kid says "he's dead" b/c he recalls if you go below minus 12 you are dead dead (I think old 3.5e memories, huh? Or maybe level 1 HP rules or something). I'm like wait wait wait, let's double check 5e rules, I think it's different. PHEW, it's different, he's fine, just unconscious. O_o ... this is round 1, and the Barbarian's hitpoints are pretty important in most fights. And the fighter is Mr. AC, but the beholder.zombie doesn't much care about that. Plus the fighter can't hit anybody for a while b/c he's so slow. Druid used his big level 4 spell already. Yikes. Warlock, we're looking at you... but he can't push anything into the firewall very easily... we'll see.
- ... OK, we call it a night, too late. And so tonight we will resume... what's-a-gonna-happen? Kid is stoked, "Don't have to hold back at all" he tells me, he's confident. He had just read up on the craziness of conjure things on the Druid at level 7, going to conjure 8 woodland beings or something crazy. We were joking that I think Dryads can themselves conjure up helpers, so you could make a massive silly army if you want. Heh, let's see.
For example, if an encounter includes four monsters worth a total of 500 XP, you would multiply the total XP of the monsters by 2, for an adjusted value of 1,000 XP. This adjusted value is not what the monsters are worth in terms of XP; the adjusted value’s only purpose is to help you accurately assess the encounter’s difficulty.
Xanathar's Guide to Everything has less confusing encounter-building rules that don't rely on XP thresholds and "adjusted XP" values.
Let's see, how'd it go down?
- Barbarian lived, nobody attacked him while he was down.
- Kid summoned 8 fey woodland creatures and yeah, that's good. He put them all over to surround the two skellies and one behold.zomb.
- Kid put Cloud of Daggers on Behold.zomb, so either he takes 3 Opportunity attacks or he sits in cloud of daggers. INT of 3, so he just sat and attacked.
- Behold.zomb rolled a disintegration ray while surrounded by 3 fey "animals", killed one on that turn.
- The good guys pretty quickly brought down the two skellies, the minotaur skellie kept rolling bad on this 2nd night.
- The Wight saw things were going bad, so he used his [dark] energy bow (Wights hate bright light) to make an energy-ladder , with the energy-arrow-ladder's lower rungs disappearing once he climbed up high.
- He laughed off the fighters arrows that lodged in his throat and knee... made a show of it (immune to non-magic weapon dmg).
- Lightning bolts were sent his way twice, he managed to dodge at least one even with disadvantage when balancing on an energy ladder rung.
- Then he climbed up on the ledge.
- Being up there, the Warlock wanted to use his new Pull 10 feet power to pull him off. Yep finally worked after 2 rounds I think.
- Basically fell/was shot to death.
- Said "I'll see you next time", then his eyes faded away.
- Later they looked back and body was gone, only the armor and stuff remaining.
- The Bonecounter Morningstar-Mace powered up to +2 (at least for a time) after killing a big skellie.
- My rule is it needed to kill a big undead to go from +1 to +2... but is it permanent? Or does it last one fight, or one day?
- The kid picked up the [dark] energy bow, and it dramatically changed color from blackish-grey to yellowish. And yes, the energy of it now is golden like the cartoon, yeehaw!
- He tried out some stuff with the ladder on the wall... it reacted as:
- Had to concentrate first time to get it right.
- Solid, and jump around and it's strong ladder rungs.
- Hit with axe = it faded away
- They won't last forever, but there is definite utility. He's thinking immovable rod again(?), his fav... but let's see how it goes. Can be cool creative I think.
You split the total XP by the number of players (and any NPCs that contributed significantly.) Adjusted XP is only used for determining encounter difficulty. This is mentioned in step 4 of the encounter building rules: