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Monday, July 15, 2024

SSBU, info/discussions from reddit and the wiki

Ken gets the old SSF2T crazy kicks, cool. Also his one that turns into a roundhouse (with invul. on the leg). Yoga flame motion, or the fwd to down quarter circle. Hold button longer = diff move. 

Nata Otoshi Geri: 
Due to the frame data of the move, both hits of the normal version of the move are a true blockstring on shield, while the first hit into the Inazuma Kick is just barely not a true blockstring, making it a very good way to hit opponents who do not hold shield for the full move. <---- holy cow, that's what is happening to me vs. metaknight's side-B flying screwattack... I knew it, but this explains why it's a thing. 

Tatsumaki senpukyaku:
Read on his spin kicks... safe vs. not safe is weird. 
  • Basically, if he goes through you shielding, he'll be safe on the other side (they say).
  • If it hits you weirdly, you might be able to hit him in between hits

Kazuya's weakness, Giulio1232 says:

I constantly hear people saying that kazuya should be banned because they think he’s broken when he has a very linear recovery, a horrible disadvantage, a frame 7 jump squat when everyone else has a frame 3 jump squat, his reflector is very strong but almost impossible to use on reaction against close range projectiles and it can only be used on the ground and his own and only projectile is slow and easy to react and he’s combo food. No wonder he’s not top tier anymore

Rosalina - - gar-dev-oir Says:

I'll always go to bat for Rosalina. I understand why she isn't higher because of her very high learning curve this time around, but y'all need to understand that she is a TERRIFIC counter pick for top tiers. She can easily win neutral against almost all of them with starbits alone and even without star bits she still has a terrific midrange.

You can play against Kazuya very comfortably as her, for instance. Launch star can win her back stage control instantly if you bypass the ledge with it. He's far to slow to punish her.

Game and Watch's up air is COMPLETELY nullified by gravitational pull. She's really the only character in the entire roster unthreatened by him when stationed above him, which is huge. Not to mention Luma can still attack while Rosalina is burried by his down smash.

Luma can tank a charge shot from Samus and allow Rosalina to punish her with almost any attack at close range.

All her attacks bypass Ryu and Ken's counter.

She straight up wins neutral against Diddy if you anticipate his banana peel. She can snag it from him almost half a stage away with gravitational pull and ruin his entire gameplan.

Rosalina can sort of wall out Pac Man similarly to G&W. Fire hydrant is a non issue situation from her, especially if she catches it in the air. She can cheese a very early stock win if she catches it while he's close to the upper blast zone. Gravitational pull also forces him to approach, and she can bring his side b to a premature halt off stage and heal from it. Like Diddy, she can also take his item away and force him to approach.

Steve can be forced in to very uncomfortable positions if you separate the Luma behind his blocks. Not to mention Rosalina can take his down smash, down air, and his unridden side b.

ZSS, Ivysaur, and Joker's recovery is a free win for her before Arsen.

Peach is forced to play Rosalina's game because starbits always ruin her ground-float approach options and gravitational pull forces Peach to take damage from her turnips if it's used just as she throws them, and in some instances this can win Rosalina the stock at high percents.

That's just scratching the surface. However, she struggles a lot with Pyra/Mythra, Rob, any of the swordsmen, and 50/50s with Minmin.

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