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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

D&D Bullywugs some more

Nice write up. So he figures Dungeons and Dragons Bullywugs were totally made up by E. Gary Gygax and his son Luke, who was "Melf" in the game, as in Melf's Acid Arrow.

They also have:

Interesting that in Germany Kobolds were house spirits... reminds me a little of the Russian domovich (not domovich, what was it) in that travel the world monster book the kids have.

But back to Bullywugs

... It is the next morning now. I had a few thoughts right before I hit the sack. Polliwogs (or pollywogs) are tadpoles. Polliwogs, Bullfrogs (the biggest frogs around the US). Combine them, you get Bullywugs. There has to be a connection. And I can imagine someone thinking about WoolyBoogers, WoolyBoogs, BoolyWoogs. Right, right?! I at least find myself pronouncing Bullywugs more like Boollywoogs half the time, so maybe that's just me. But yeah, I definitely heard it from the cartoon Dungeonmaster's mouth so that's how I'm trying to remember to say it. Boollywoogs I think he said. Eric definitely says "boolywoogs" here in "The Girl Who Dreamed of Tomorrow" episode:
And yeah found it, Dungeonmaster says "boollywoogs", too in "In Search of the Dungeon Master". I'm good now. =]

And here you go, I'm not onto anything new and I bet I read something somewhere stating the same about Polliwogs and Bullfrogs and Bullywugs, and here is a forum discussing all this:

Interesting Quote (and somwhere else they say it's very likely not Australian in origin):

Bendris Noulg said:
I thought they were original to Dwellers of the Forbidden City?

Grazzt said:

ANSWER: Sorta. I1 (Dwellers) came out in print in 1981, but was originally run as a Tournament module at Origins 1980. The Fiend Folio debuted at the 1981 Games Fair convention (the book was originally slated for release in late 1979, but was delayed).

Oh, and AJ Pickett has a youtube of it... and he's Australian I do believe. I need to watch it front to back to see what he's got to say:

OK, AJ is saying they like to capture people more than kill. 20 ft long 10 ft high jump. They like to hide and ambush when the situation is good. Looks like how I ran them with the kid worked out pretty good, they waited for the Owlbear to occupy them and then nearly die, then they pounced from the bushes. :) AJ goes on to emphasize if you surrender they'd likely capture you, rob you, bring you to their king, and then you'd live. They don't eat people. They have an inferiority complex, says he. They use amphibians a lot.

Oh yeah, the Reaper mini Squogs are pretty cool, too... less toadlike and more spindly froglike, like the cartoon and that awesome B&W sketch. I think I'll get some.

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