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Friday, September 13, 2024

SF6 - E. Honda, wow

 Never ever thought I'd become a low tier hero again, but E. Honda is somehow extremely fun to play at my level right now. After a couple of days of figuring him out, I started crushing bodies. Got up to Diamond in no time... now I am once again in danger of playing at high level without really knowing how to play the game, so gotta see how this goes.

    SIDENOTE: WTF is up with Gold league being harder than Plat/low diamond? I started Ryu from scratch, and the fools playing in Gold league are Diamond+ level people with crazy abilties... why the hell are they still in Gold starting over with a new character/account? I just started this game 6 weeks ago or something, what the heck are they doing? 

The VesperArcade guy/TY channel just so happened to put out an Excellent Honda guide for advanced tricks right in the middle of me messing around with Honda. I was proud to see I had picked up on a few things on my own, but he really nailed all the detailed tricks.

For instance:

Butt slam connects, you are RIGHT next to them at +23... so a whiffed crouching jab will put you at +7. Perfect... b/c now you can:

  • cmd grab
    • Note, I often hit jab a split second too soon and it doesn't come out, but then get the cmd grab anyway. I wonder what my timing is like for this cmd grab... can't be frame perfect by pure luck. 
  • meaty HK, into ex.qcf+k, down+p launcher, another butt slam combo. 
    • kills jumpers
  • Standing Strong is +1 on block... but it's I think 9 or 10 startup so... yeah that still works, counterhit right?, into hands or something I think. 
    • MP counterhit, jab,MP (target), headbutt. 
    • MP counterhit, cr.MP, OD.hands, ... whatever. 
    • MP blocked? -> +1, so can jab them or try a sneaky cmd grab. 
  • regular throw... maybe. You'd have to delay it a couple frames maybe...? Is it really safer? 
    • OK, it's safer if they jump straight up b/c u have time to anti-air with HP.  Not so with cmd grab, eh?
  • Shimmy, into... HP counterhit, green dash, HP,... whatever. 

Buttslam, how to get?

  • cr.jab, cr.jab... always do buttslam UNLESS THEY CROUCHING b/c it''ll whiff. 
    • EXCEPT, buffed OD.hands will stand them up (do a cr.jab after buffed.OD hands). 
  • *** buttslam combo as soon as can after Sumo-Launch, otherwise u'll be +6 instead of +7. 
Sumo - Launch
AKA, Taiho Cannon's downside compared to Teppo Slap is its slower startup. Under normal circumstances, it is too slow to combo from any of Honda's special-cancelable normals, except for the first hit of 5HK

Bread n Butter COMBOS
  •  HP counterhit, green dash, HP,... whatever. 
    •  HP counterhit, green dash, HP, Sumo-Launch, buttslam. 
  • ... OD.hands, cr.jab, buttslam. 
  • ... any Hands, level 3 super. 
  • cr.jab cr.jab, buttslam (if they not crounch, unless u got OD.hands). 
  • cr.jab, cr.jab ->MPheadbutt

Get out of Corner: Use Buttslam. 

Safe Jump
This is when you are +42. Jump and attack holding block, their dragonpunch type thing will not hit, you'll block. If they freak out, your jump attack hits them instead. 


Against a grounded opponent, headbutt is +40 on hit.

    • Midscreen, you can forward dash then drive rush to hit the opponent on wakeup. Drive rush 5MP is Honda's major threat in this scenario, as it leads to large frame advantage and continued pressure on either hit or block.
    • In the corner, you can press 5MK (as a frame kill) then 5MP, which will hit the opponent meaty. If done properly, you will hit the opponent on a late frame of 5MP, generating additional frame advantage (+3 on block and +6 on hit).

  • ex means OD means Overdrive. Strong = MP = Medium Punch. Jab = lp = light punch. 
  • Sumo-Launch is my name for = qcf+k then dwn+P to launch 'em. Lift = Taiho Canon Lift is official name.  
  • Hands = hundred hand slap... now done with qcb+p. 
  • Buttslam... does it have 3 mistake names or what? =Sumo Smash, officially. But I think Vesper was calling the LIFT/Sumo-Launch by that name mistakenly. And is calling it Sumo-Slam and ButtSlam and Sumo Smash. 

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